Chapter 1

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             My name is Carmen Vera. I am 18 years old and a senior in high school, or what I like to call my own person hell. Don't get me wrong school isn't my favorite place but it could be worse. If it wasn't for the fact that all of the guys stare at you like a piece of meat, and popular people like to throw insults and harassed me on a daily basis then I wouldn't mind going to school.

I should probably take a moment to acknowledge a few of my many issues. I have bi-polar disorder, attention deficit disorderalso known as ADD, anxiety, and depression. In the beginning everything was hard. I came to a point were I didn't think anything could help me because of how manic my moods were. When I would swing into a manic episode it was hard to come out of it because of the ADD. After a trip to rehab, weekly appointments to my shrink and count-less amounts of medication I finally have control over my mind again.

My dad shipped me off to middle-of-no-where South Carolina to live with my mom. Now I know what you're thinking, middle-of-no-where isn't really the name of the town I live in. The name of this little land lost in time is Dalton. When I say little land lost in time I'm not kidding. Dalton is a place stuck in the past. Instead of raging keggers for high school parties on a Friday night here, everyone heads to the diner. By little I mean there is one gas station, one movie theater, one diner, one church and a few little shops around the center of town. The closest mall is a good forty-minute drive away.

Back to what I was saying before, why did my dad move me out here? Well my bi-polar disorder started to get bad, and I was out of control. Then I had a drug and alcohol fueled breakdown and some legal trouble. So, my father and mother thought it would be good for me to get out of the lime life. My mom and dad run and own their own multi-billion-dollar company, Vera Industries. They dabble in a lot of different things from stocks and bonds, real estate, magazines, clothing, technology, they do it all. I was snotty rich kid for a long time. I got to go to parties, hang out with all different celebtries; I basically got to do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted.

My 'friends' tried to help, but things went from bad to worst. The people who I thought were my friends only tore me down even more. The fire was lit by having no sense of guidance and parents who were never around. The people in my life who I though had my best interest in mind only added more alcohol and drugs to my fire.

But overall Dalton is a cute little town on the water. My mom and I live in a cabin on the beach. The huge range style cabin sits on a 12-foot high concrete foundation. When they were building this house as their vacation house, my parents thought it would be a good idea to have the house built to withstand the strong hurricanes that can sometimes batter the South Carolina coast.

Currently I'm laying in my bed watching the waves roll in and crash onto the shore. Sometimes I wish I could be on one of those waves just to see where it would take me.

"Carmen lets go, time to get up." My mom yelled as she walked into my room.

"What time is it?" I asked still watching the waves.

"It's ten after seven. You are going to be late if you don't get up." Mom said as she opened the rest of my shades.

I waited till she left my room before I got out of bed. The walk to my bathroom was cold, so I made the shower water hot. After about twenty minutes of standing under the burning hot water I stepped out of the shower and dried off. My clothes were already waiting for me when I got out of the bathroom. Hanging up on my closet door is a pair of black skinny jeans, a black tank top, a blue and black flannel shirt and my grey beanie.

I quickly got dressed and returned to the bathroom. I flat ironed my hair, put on a light amount of make-up, and put on my glasses. I put on my beanie as I grabbed my backpack off my desk chair. Mom was on her phone when I walked into the kitchen. I sat at the island and started to eat the pancakes that she made me.

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