Did You Forget?

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•Tom's POV•
After ordering the coffee, I stormed down the hill, still seething from Tord's arrival.
"Hey, Tom, wait up!" He called, scampering after me. "Tommm!"
"Look, you may think things are fine and dandy, but they're not. You may be coming back to the house with me, but I still haven't forgiven you." I snapped.
Tord inhaled sharply, tears springing to his eyes.
"Tom, I-"
"Just don't. It's not worth it." I muttered.
"Wh...what's not worth it?" Tord frowned.
"Trying to earn my trust. My friendship. You lost that a long time ago." I hissed.
Tord looked like he wanted to say something but stayed quiet.
I sent him a stony glare, just so he knew his place. We were quiet the whole way home.

Matt's POV•
I awoke to the sound of Edd's voice, soft and dreamlike.
"Matt..? Time to wake up..."
I stretch and yawn, running a hand through my perfect hair. "Hiya, Edd!" I chirp. "I sent Tom out for coffee but I don't think he's—"
I paused, looking Edd up and down. He had cleaned himself up a lot, not to mention that he had left his room for the first time in a while.
"Eddy!" I squealed, making him blush. "You left your room?!"
He laughed wryly. "I overheard you talking last night. Figured this would cheer you up."
I leaped out of bed and gave him a hug.
"So...did it work?" He asked hopefully, pushing his long brown hair out of his face.
"Of course it did. I'm just so glad that-"
The front door slammed.
"I'm back!" Tom yelled. "And I brought...a friend."
Edd and I looked at each other for a moment before cautiously walking towards the kitchen.
I peered around the corner and could barely contain my gasp.
A red-clad male stood by Tom, towering more than a few inches over him. His sandy brown hair stood stiff in two devil horns. One of his eyes was covered by a patch, and the other was icy grey, looking at us hopefully.
He flexed his fingers, his real ones and the ones on his red and blue bionic arm. His hoodie hung loosely on his skinny frame.
He was different. He was weaker. But he was who I thought he was.
"T-Tord!" Edd stammered.
Tom glared at him. "See? This is what happens when you send me out for coffee!"

Yallo my muffins! Sorry this has taken me so long to rewrite! School, homework, family stuff...blah blah blah excuses (the truth is I'm just lazy XD). So I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll see you next time!!
-dabs and flies off to Narnia-

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