Chapter 17

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"...You wear a full face mask, though," Gerard went on, "Like, sometimes you have a bandana, but you also wear a Frankenstein mask sometimes. The rest of us just have the eye masks and bandanas."

    Frank giggled. "I like that. I really like that."

    Gerard smiled and wrapped his arms tighter around Frank. Frank accepted it and buried his face into Gerard, his bare chest warm against his cheek. Somehow, their bed had gotten a lot smaller and comfier than it was when they first arrived a half hour ago. Never before had a bed seemed so small to Frank; it was always oversized and lonely. He never wanted that to happen again.

    Frank opened his eyes and directly in front of them was a full view of Gerard's arm. He sort of stared at his scars, his stomach getting a very unsettling feeling for a second. It always happened at first glance of them, but it passed a second later. He wondered how long it had been. They never really talked about it. Frank figures if he ever completely got past running away, he wouldn't go around telling his story to people. He'd keep quiet, so he never asked Gerard.

    "I have a question," Frank said suddenly. Gerard loosened his grip and made a noise to show he was listening, "The killjoys are running, right?"

    "Yes." Gerard answered.

    "...Do they ever stop?"

    Gerard paused and looked at Frank, their eyes meeting. "They stop when they've found what they're looking for." He responded finally.

    "What are they looking for?" Frank pried.

    "They all want something different."

    "Like what?"

    Gerard sighed and smiled a bit, understanding now that Frank wasn't letting this go. "Well, Jet Star is looking for somewhere he belongs. He always feels like he needs to be part of something—something bigger that can change things." He smiled more. "Kobra, I think, is looking for love. Not a wife or something, really, just...someone that gives a damn, you know? He was always over looked as a child even though he was destined to blow minds. I think that's why he's in the Killjoys—to blow someone's mind." Gerard stopped there and stared out the window.

    "Keep going," Frank demanded after a moment, "What about you?"

    Gerard shook his head and kept staring, then looked at Frank again. "Party is a very confused son of a bitch." He stated simply. Frank chuckled. "Nah, I mean, he—he just wants to help someone. Actually, he really wanted to help Fun Ghoul." Frank smiled. "Because, you see, Ghoul wanted to be free. Simple as that. He wanted a better life, and he really believed it was out there. And Party Poison was determined to help him find it."

    Frank smiled wider and then couldn't help but laugh. "What a pick up line!" he laughed, sitting up now.

    "Hey, hey, it's what I wrote, seriously!" Gerard replied, tugging on his arm. But he was laughing too, because it sure did sound like a bunch of a bull. But it was all true. "I started writing Killjoys a day or two after I met you. the story, you don't know how much I love you."

    Frank grinned, moving closer to Gerard again, sharing his breath as he spoke. "Fun Ghoul is missing out," he said, "Because what he's really looking for is right beside him."

    Gerard closed the gap between them and wrapped his arms around Frank again. They didn't have sex again that day. But they didn't leave the hotel room at all. They didn't need to. They had everything right there.

    Two days later; still in hiding. They had told their parents they were staying at each other's houses. Of course Gerard's parents were angry to find out he had left the art camp, but neither parents even noticed they'd been skipping school. It was easier than they had thought; almost TOO easy...

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