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(Dedicated to destielsdreamer since she is Grace ;) )

    Sweat drips down my forehead as I wail on the punching bag. The makeshift base has a tiny gym and I was making use of it. All Time Low blares in my ears. Each of my punches moves in time with the force of the lyrics from “Dancing With A Wolf.” The bag shakes violently with each hit. My chest heaves, rising and falling with each labored breath I take.

    Petite, yet sturdy, hands steady my inanimate victim. “Easy there. Don’t wear yourself out.”

    I pull my earbud out of my ear and study the figure. She was a few years younger than me and blonde. Her eyes are lightly colored and have a doe like quality to them. “What’s it to you?” I ask sharper than I mean to.

    “Sorry for trying to look out for you. Not very many females here as you can tell.” she mutters. “I’m Grace.” she offers me her hand.

    I shake it. “Brie.” I push some hair out of my face with my free hand.

    “Nice to meet you. You must be the new girl…” she smiles sweetly.

    “I..yeah..If I make it.” I mutter.

    “Oh, Arthur?” Grace asks, her tone filling with sympathy and understanding.

    “Yep. Thinks I wouldn’t make it a day out in the field. And Mick...he won’t even let me go out there.” I roll my eyes slightly. “I mean, it’s a sweet gesture and all, but I don’t need the protection. I can handle my own battles. You know?”

    Grace nods. “I get it. It was about a month before Arthur let me go out in the field…” A tiny smile graces her lips. Her tone is so gentle about the Brit.

    I quirk an eyebrow. “I’m sorry, are you and I talking about the same guy?”

    Grace looks at me and cocks her head. “Arthur Ketch, no?”

    I nod. “ just have positive things to say...and I really don’t.” I admit with a laugh. “Now, Mick I coul-” I bite down on the inside of my cheek in order to silence myself.

    “He’s cute…” Grace giggles. “Just not my type. He speaks highly of you.”

    My cheeks heat up. “Glad to know someone does.” I release my hold of the inside of my cheek.

    “Arthur is just a little rough around the edges. Once you get to know him, he’s someone you’d rather have on your side than opposing you. I mean...he comes off strong, but he’s really just a teddy bear.”

    “Are you know?”

    “What? Arthur and I?”

    “Are you two a thing?”

    Grace flushes and she looks around the base before she steps closer to me. “We’ve been together for a month one really knows about it cause it’s frowned upon.”

    I arch an eyebrow. “ your fellow Men of Letters is frowned it...Man, I wish I had a handbook of all the rules I need to follow.” I joke.

    “Stick with me and I’ll help you survive.” Grace lowly states.

    I nod slightly. “Thank you.”

    The girl nods.

    We start to make small talk when Ketch and Mick walk up.

    Ketch and Grace exchange a curt nod before standing close enough to each other so they could link pinkies.

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