Ch 4

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    The city lights blur as we pass by them. Thankfully, it’s not raining and it’s not too cold.

    “Brie, why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself?” Grace asks.

    Ketch’s eyes give her a warning glance.

    I wave off her question. “Oh, I don’t like mixing…” I pause searching for the right word. “Business and personal things. It gets messy, complicated quite quickly.”

    Mick gives me a crestfallen expression as the words leave my mouth.

    “I...guess a little sharing wouldn’t hurt.”  I quickly glance out the window.

    “Any family?” Grace asks softly.

    I shake my head. “Been on my own since I was 15.”

    “Oh. I’m sorry to hear that.”

    I shrug and glance at Mick from the corner of my eye. “It is what it is.”

    Mick’s looking down at his hands.

    I find myself leaning over and pressing a light kiss to his cheek.

    Grace squeals happily as she watches us.

    Mick glances up at me. “What was that for?”

    “Are you okay?”

    “I’m fine. What was that for, Brie? I’m being serious.” Mick keeps his tone soft.

    “I can’t show you affection? I’m getting into the role.” I whisper.

    Mick raises an eyebrow and his lips crash into mine in a sweet and delicate fashion as we pull up to the venue.

    Ketch clears his throat. “I hate to interrupt, but you two aren’t being very…”

    Grace nudges him. “Hey, be nice.” she whispers.

    I blush as I pull away from Mick.

    He flashes me a grin. “You’re adorable when you blush.”

    I bite my lip as I get out of the SUV. Grace and Ketch link arms and head up the stairs towards the entrance.

    Mick meets me on the side of the car closest to the steps, offering me his arm as he does. “You look absolutely stunning, Brie.” he whispers much like he had done when teaching me how to fire the gun.

    “You don’t look too bad yourself, Mick.” I match his tone and wrap my arm in his. “I’ve never been to one of these, so bear with me, okay?”

    “A hunt or a gala?” Mick teases and flashes me a sweet smirk.

    “Both. Or a fake date.” I counter as we start up the stairs.

    “You’ll be sticking with myself or Grace for the most part. That way I know you’re safe.” His voice is serious at this point.

    “Right. Cause you want me to succeed.” I mumble as I look around the area. The gala was in an art museum. I knew enough to be able to survive the idea of a museum.

    My escort chuckles. “Of course, love.”

    I arch a brow at him but he doesn’t offer any explanation as to what he meant by calling me love.

    “Last name, sir and madam?” a man prompts Mick and myself.

    “Fergus.” Mick answers smoothly and flashes a smile.

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