Ch 7

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    The next morning I check my phone for a text or anything from Mick. With a defeated sigh and force myself out of bed and towards the bathroom for a shower.

    Grace is still sound asleep on the bed next to mine. We’d opted to share a room, figuring it would be safer.

    I start up the shower water and wait for it to warm up as I undress. I stare at Mick’s shirt after I take it off. It was the only thing I had to convince me this all isn’t just some sick dream of mine. I set it on the counter and sigh softly. As I stand under the water of the shower, I find a catchy little tune stuck in my head. It takes me a few moments to realize what it is. I smile slightly as the tune comes to me. “I can’t stop thinkin’ about her face…” I start to sing. My voice gets a little stronger with each note I sing. Once again, Louden Swain had managed to fill the void and express my emotions better than I ever could.

    I finish up my shower and change back into Mick’s shirt and a pair of shorts that stop at the middle of my thighs. As I walk out of the restroom, my hair in a towel I nearly collide with Grace.

    “Sorry!” I steady her only to find her with a shit eating grin plastered across her face and holding my phone.

    “Yes, Mick, your girlfriend sings in the shower.” She giggles.

    My cheeks turn a dark red and I snatch my phone out of her hands. “I hate you.”

    Mick chuckles. “Aw, Brie…”

    I look at my phone and roll my eyes as I hold it up to my ear. “I’m sorry you had to hear that, babe.”

    “Hear what? The Heavenly Choir?” he smiles.

    “No, the elusive mating call of a dying whale.” I counter as I smack Grace with the pillow from my bed. “How long have you been on the line?”

    “Not very long. I figured you were still asleep when Grace answered your phone.”

    I nod. “Everything good now?”

    “Aside from Mary and Ketch being at odds with each other, yes.”

    “Ooooh...what happened?” I smirk.

    “Just something, I don’t know what. Probably some drama.” he sighs. “Did you sleep okay?”

    “I did.” I smile softly at the concern coloring his voice.

    “Mr. Davies, do you call to check on all of your cases that other hunters are following?” Dr. Hess snaps on the other end of the line.

    Mick says something but I don’t hear it before the call is ended.

    “Fuck. Hess is on to us.” I mutter as I run a hand down my face.

    “At least you don’t have a woman who’s old enough to be your mother fuming because your now boyfriend moved on from her.” Grace shrugs.


    She nods. “Yep. She told Arthur it was a one night stand on numerous occasions, yet she’s mad that he’s now got a girlfriend.”

    I whistle. “Wowza.”

    Grace grimaces. “Tell me about it.”

    “Do we really have a plan for this?” I hiss as I start the Holy Fire Grace and I need.

    “No. I figured we could just wing it.” She admits with a shrug. “Which pair do you want?” she asks as she holds up the glasses.

    “Mick’s pair.” I mumble, without thinking. I glance up as what I said had just processed. My cheeks turn red and my eyes widen.

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