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Ketch's PoV

   “She needs to have the same treatment that you two went under.” Hess calmly states.

  There were better things I could be doing, such as packing my and Grace's things for our trip. Instead, I'm here in Hess’ office, deciding the fate of my little sister. The little sister I didn't know I had until a few hours prior.

 “Dr. Hess with all due respect, Brie doesn't need the same trials that we went through.” Mick tries to keep his cool.

  “Why's that?” Hess locks her eyes on Mick.

  “She's like wet clay. She can be molded. She doesn't need to be rewired like we did.”

 I want to side with Mick, but I can't seem to find my voice to agree. The trials that Mick and I went through would break Brie. Sure, she's strong but there's no way she would be able to survive. I barely survived.

  “Mr. Davies, you do understand that I cannot give her special treatment merely because she is your lover.”

 Mick clenches his jaw and opens his mouth to say something.

  “Then don't.” I calmly say.

 Mick turns to look at me, his eyes widening and full of protest.

  “I'm her brother.” I stand. “I don't consent to the treatment.” I fold my arms across my chest.

 “Mr. Ketch, you were not supposed to find out about that.” Hess sounds astonished.

 “He didn't. I did.” Mick calmly replies. “Perhaps you should keep your files more secure. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a report to write.” He stands and heads out of the office.

  “What's to say that the trials made me the way I am?” I look at Hess, keeping my voice level as I do. “What's to say it's not genetically ingrained in me?”  I'd like to think I was acting of my own free will when I did what I had done. All the monsters I killed, all the people I'd hurt to get answers.

 Hess nods. “This is the second to last week she has to prove herself. I hope you two are right. You are dismissed Mr. Ketch.”

 I nod politely as I leave her office and make my way down the hall to my and Grace's quarters.

 “Love, pack your things. I ha-” the words stop short on my lips as I see Grace sitting with none other than Antonia Bevell.

 “Arthur.” She nods curtly.

 “Lady Bevell.” I calmly reply.

  Grace smiles slightly at me. “So it turns out you're not the only one with a sibling you didn't know about.”

 My eyes widen. “I'm sorry, what?”

 “Toni and I are sisters…” Grace smiles at the blonde next to her. “Twins, in fact.”

  “I thought it was odd how people always said we looked so much alike. Then there was the whole sibling rivalry that was pretty much there.” Toni smiles fondly at the memories of her time at Kendrick's.

  “ how did you not know this sooner? You two where bloody born at the same time!” I raise an eyebrow.

 “I'm a few minutes younger.” Grace explains. “Our parents feared that two of us at Kendrick's was an awful they put me up for adoption. Little did they know that the family who adopted me was going to send me there anyways.”

 I run a hand down my face as I try to process the information that I've been handed. “How did you find out?”

  “I did some digging.” Toni shrugs. “I met your sister, by the way, she's absolutely lovely. Wonder where those genetics got lost.” She gives me a cold look.

  I purse my lips. “The same thing could be said about you two.” I look at Grace. “Pack enough clothes for a week. I have a…” I sigh. “I have plans for the two of us.”

 Grace is driving this leg of the road trip. “Can you put my music on for me please?” She flashes me a kind smile.

 I nod as I plug her phone into the AUX cord. “Which playlist?”

 “It's called Gracur.”

 I quirk my eyebrow but don't say anything as I select her playlist. “Grace, what's a Gracur?”

 She stops humming along with the song. It's called “Walk The Wire” by a band she adores called Imagine Dragons. “It's our ship name.” Her tone implies it's the most obvious thing in the world.

 I give her a blank look. “What?”

 Grace glances over at me and laughs. “A ship is a couple that someone wants to be together. The ship name is usually a combination of the names of the people involved.”

 I nod slowly. “Oh…” It must be something that only she understands.

 “You're still lost, aren't you, babe?”

 “A little.” I admit.

 Grace beams and turns down the radio a little. “Okay, we'll take Brie and Mick for example. If you were to smash their names together it would be Brick. Hense their ship name is Brick.”

 I try to bite back a snicker and fail. “Brick?” I echo. “What a bloody awful name!”

 My girlfriend errupts into a fit of giggles. “It's kinda cute…”

 “It's odd. Like Brie.” I smile softly as I look at Grace. I loved how happy she sounds when she talks about things she's passionate about.

 The giggles turn to laughter. “Oh, Arthur, you're something else…” The setting sun give a backdrop for a beautiful view. Her green eyes light up as she catches me looking at her.

 I smile softly at her and place my hand on her knee. “I love you, Grace Bevell.”

 “I love you too, Arthur Ketch.” Grace blushes slightly.

  After a few hours of driving I direct Grace to the nearest hotel. I'd reserved a room with an amazing view of the city we had stopped in. It wasn't too busy, but it was busy enough to be considered a bigger city.

I carry up the bags, not exactly trusting anyone with what we have packed. We weren't planning on hunting but if something arose it wouldn't be an issue for us.

 Grace leans on the balcony and beams as she takes it in. The city lights sparkle in the distance. Once again, the view is amazing, but it's merely a backdrop to my favorite view.

 I wrap my arms around her from behind and kiss her cheek lightly. “Enjoying yourself?”

Grace smiles and turns to look at me, her lips catching mine in a sweet yet passionate kiss. “I am. I think it's my company.” She giggles.

 I chuckle lightly and just hold her close to me. “We can stay here for a few days if you want. We have a whole week to do whatever you want.”  

 A smirk crosses her lips. “Well, I know what I want to do then…”

 “What's that, Love?” I look her in the eyes.

 “You.” Grace whispers before kissing me again.

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