Tying Up Loose Ends

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I hang low for the next year. I go back to California for a little and work on my YouTube channel. Leaving the hunting life, or the Men of Letters life, was one of the best calls I made. Mick never forgave me for making the call I did, for making the choice to kill Hess. Arthur did, because he saw the bigger picture. My choice that I made was the thing that saved three lives compared to only one or two of us surviving.

For about 6 or so months, I stayed in California. My brother never reached out to me other than to tell me that the Old Men weren't after me. He'd somehow spun a story so intricate that painted me as a victim more than anything. I was some innocent girl who'd been sent away as child and ended up falling into the wrong spot at the wrong time. I was a victim of the crossfire.

Arthur took the brunt of the blame since I guess Mick refused to speak on my behalf. Ketch said Mick left after the hearing, or whatever they call it, staying low or whatever he was doing.

But of course, it would be only a matter of time before Arthur would show up at my door, telling me I had to leave and keep moving because the Old Men changed their mind. These thoughts have me tensing up every time there'd be a knock at the door once I moved to Washington. I'd found a small, quiet town called Hyperion Heights. It took a few months to settle in and not jump and reach for my knife, since I swore off guns, every time there was a knock.

A year and a half had passed since everything had happened, between killing Hess and Mick and I breaking up. I'm getting ready for a night out on the town doing some bowling and grabbing some dinner with friends I'd made.

A knock pulls me away from my room as I finish throwing things in my purse. "Alice, I told you I'm coming. Just give me two seconds!" I laugh as I round the corner to open the door.

When a second knock doesn't follow the first one, I wonder if it's Killian or Robyn. Opening the door answers my questions.

"Arthur?" I look at him with wide eyes.

"Hello, Brie. Is now a bad time?" Arthur takes in my state, purse in hand and bare feet.

"Uh, kinda... I mean, I'm going out soon, but I don't know how soon. Why?" I ask cautiously.

"I...just wanted to see how my little sister was doing." Arthur smiles thinly, his British accent not as heavy as it had been once upon a time.

"I'm fine. I'm settled in, doing well." I shrug. "And you?"

He shrugs. "Can't complain."

I nod softly.

"Still having the nightmares?" He looks at me, eyebrow slightly raised.  He had been there on the nights where I'd wake up screaming because I was stuck killing Hess in my sleep, night after night, hour after hour.

"Yes, and no..." I sigh, debating how to answer the question, not too sure if I wanted to tell him I'd found a cure just yet.

"Sometimes?" He chuckles.

"Yeah, something like that." I laugh softly, raking my fingers through my hair.

"I wanted to tell you something. And I'd rather it come from me than anyone else, but the Old Men asked for this." He starts.

I tilt my head in confusion. "What?"

He takes deep breath. "I killed Davies."


"The Old Men demanded that I kill Davies, or they'd find you."

I nod. "Oh, I'm sorry you had to make that call."

Arthur looks at me in confusion, "You're not pissed?"

I shake my head. "Why would I be? You did what you had to do."

"Brie, you loved him..."

I purse my lips. "I did. But now I don't feel anything. Perhaps, I'm numb from shock or maybe it hasn't hit yet, but I don't feel anything." I look at my brother.

He nods curtly. "I'm sorry, Brie."

I shrug. "I've moved on."
"How are things here, other than you being settled in?"

I look at my brother. "I'm not coming back to that life."

"I wasn't asking you to."

"It's implied, Arthur, come on." I sigh as I lean against the doorframe.

"Okay fine, maybe I miss my sister hunting with me."

I look down. "Arthur, I miss you too, but that's not me anymore. The girl you met in the alley is gone. The scared girl? She's dead and has been dead for a while. I'm slowly reclaiming myself again. Hunting was who I was, but it's not who I am."

Taking a deep breath, I look back up at him. "I'm happy. I'm making videos and doing what I love. I've met a great guy. Hyperion Heights is home now."

Arthur hums. "A boy changed your mind?"

"A man, and no. I changed my mind. I, you know me, I got my closure. I found my family, but now I've got to find my path."

"Does he treat you well?" He asks.


"Good. That's all I want. As long as you're happy." He pulls me into a tight hug.

"Thank you, Arthur." I hug him back for a few moments.

A cough pulls us apart.

"Ready, Love?" Killian asks as he stands off to the side of my brother.

"Alice sent you, I'm guessing?" I smile softly.

He chuckles and shrugs. "Who's this?" Slight jealousy colors his tone.

"Killian, this is Arthur. Arthur, this is Killian. He's my brother." I look at Killian.

Realization flickers across Killian's features and he shifts to shake Arthur's hand.

"Just let me get shoes and then we can go, okay?" I kiss Killian's cheek before I duck back into my room, leaving my boyfriend and brother to talk.

A sharp beep from a car horn echoes through the walls and I laugh. Alice must be getting antsy in the car.

"How many honks do we have left before she lays on it?" I ask Killian as I shoulder my purse.

He chuckles and hums. "Probably two?"

I nod and laugh. "We should probably get going."

Arthur smiles and hugs me one last time. "Be safe."

"I will."

"It was nice meeting you, finally, Arthur." Killian drapes his arm across my shoulders.

"I wish I could say the same for you, Killian." Arthur smiles thinly.

Killian looks at me, "You didn't tell him about us, Love? I'm hurt." He pouts playfully.

I look at him shyly. "I haven't talked to him since..."

He nods softly, "Ah."

Arthur smiles slightly. "Well, I've got to go. I'll see you later, Brie."

"Sounds good. Swing by tomorrow. Maybe we could get some coffee or something? I know a few good places." I smile sweetly.

Another honk echoes again through the apartment building.

"We should probably get going, Detective." I laugh softly.

Killian kisses my temple and nods. "Aye, Love."

Arthur walks with us to the car. "I'll call you, Brie."

"Sounds good." I wave to him as Killian opens the door for me.

I watch Arthur speed off into the night on his bike, taking my past with me and closing that chapter of my life.

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