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 (AN: Edit by the amazing destielsdreamer)

 “Again.” Ketch says as he steadies the punching bag. His tone takes on an uncharacteristic softness.

 I huff and push some hair out of my face. “Don't treat me like I'm glass. I don't know what Mick's told you but I'm fine.”

 Ketch quirks an eyebrow. “Mick hasn't told me anything. He told me you've had a long week and asked me to go a little easier on you.”

 I look at the assassin. “Okay, well, I'm telling you not to. I'm fine. Besides this is crunch time. I've got what? A week? Two at most before I'm booted out of here if I'm not at Hess’ standards.”

 Ketch nods. “Again.” His tone is back to its usual icy indifference.

 I hear footsteps approaching us and I block them out.

 “Settled for a brunette now did you Ketch?” A blonde asks.

 I look her up and down. “Ketch and I aren't a thing.” I mumble. “No offense, but he's not my type.”

 Ketch nods once at me. “None taken.” He turns back to the woman. “Mary, this is the new recruit, Brie. Brie, this is Mary Winchester.”

  I nod at her and continue to go at the punching bag. The name was familiar and I figured she wasn't worth my time given the pain she had caused Grace.

 Mary's eyes fall down my body as if she was considering if I was a threat or not. “I found a case. I was wondering if you were interested in working it with me?”

  Ketch chuckles. “I'll pass. I have a deadline to meet.” He glances over at me. “Tighten your core, Ride.”

 I nod and do as he says before getting in the zone.

  “Come on, she really can't be worth that much trouble. How long has she been hunting?” Mary sounds disgusted.

  “Brie, how long have you been hunting?” Ketch asks.

  “A little over a week.” I answer, stopping to look at Ketch.

  “Are you guys that desperate to recruit?” Mary shakes her head.

  “She's like fresh clay. She can be molded easily. She doesn't hunt the way you American hunters do.” Ketch calmly states. “And I think she's got potential.”

 “Oh, so she's your new little toy. You seriously downgraded, Ketch.”

 I growl and whirl towards her. “I suggest you shut the hell up.”

  Mary looks at me. “Or what? Honey, I have height and experience. You've got what? Ketch in your back pocket because you slept with him?”

 I clench my fists. “Once again, I've never slept with Ketch. I have no interest in that.” I look at Ketch. “Again, no offense.”

 Ketch nods wordlessly at me.

  “Then why do you think you belong here?” Mary taunts.

   “I don't. I know I do.” I  start towards her. I swing at her and she grabs my hand, twisting my arm backwards.

 “You sure you do?” She purrs.

 I growl and stomp on her foot and she drops my hand. I kick at her head and she ducks under me. She elbows me in the side. I inhale sharply and kick at her ribs. My foot connects with a satisfying thwap! She yelps in shock and pain. A fire fills her eyes and she lunges at me. Mary tackles me and manages to pin me to the ground. She gets in a couple of hits to my face before I push her backwards. I wipe at the blood from my nose.

 My breathing is heavy. “Come on, Mary. I can do this all day.” I raise my fists as I get to my feet.

 Mary licks her lips as she gets to her feet. She starts towards me and swings wildly. I grab her arm and get her into an armbar. I smirk as she gives me a shocked look.

 “Very good, Brianna.” Dr. Hess coldly says. She's standing besides Ketch.

 I let go of Mary's arm and stand. “Thank you, Dr. Hess.” I smile slightly.

  Grace rushes up. “Arthur ha- Brie, what the fuck happened to your face?” She grabs my chin gently.

 “I'm fine. Just a busted nose and maybe a lip.” I wave her off.

  “I leave to get a book for you and I come back to this?” She looks at Ketch.

 Ketch puts his hands up in surrender. “I didn't do it.” He tries to hide the smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

  Dr. Hess gives the two a disapproving look. “Miss Ride was training with Mrs. Winchester. It looks like they were sparring, is that correct Mr. Ketch?”

 Ketch nods. “Yes, ma’am it is.”

 “I can't have my people fighting or my people condoning it.” Dr. Hess walks off.

 Grace flashes me a shit eating grin. “Mick wanted to talk to you really quick…he said it was really important.”

 I poke my head into Mick's office. “Hey, you wanted to see me?”

  Mick's shoulders slump into a more relaxed position. “Hey, come on in.” He looks up at me and smiles until he sees the damage done by Mary. “What the bloody hell happened?”

  “Mary and I were fighting.” I shrug as I sit across from him.

 Mick frowns and hugs me tightly. “Are you alright?”

 “A little sore. But I'm fine. I've had worse.” I smile softly as I hug him back.

  He presses a light kiss to the top of my head. “So I was doing some digging into your past… and I found something really interesting to say the least.”

 “Oh? What is it?” I look up at him as he lets me go and sits back down at his computer.

  “You're Ketch's sister.” Mick looks me dead in the eyes.

  “Wait what?” I raise an eyebrow. “Come again?”

  “You're a Ketch, Brie. You were adopted after you were born. It says here that your parents feared a girl wouldn't have enough to offer to Kendrick's. So they put you up for adoption. You were raised in the States.” Mick looks at his screen and then back at me to see how I was taking it.

  I nod slowly. “But I'm the same age as you two?”

  “Well, you are about 8-9 months younger than Ketch is.” Mick nods.

  “Does he know?” I ask softly.

  “It's the little sister I never wanted.” Arthur jokes as he leans in the doorway.

 I turn to look at him. “Really?”

  “Mick, Grace and I are heading out for the week. Okay?” Arthur smiles slightly.

  Mick nods. “Got it.” He writes it down.

 Arthur starts to leave. “Oh, and Brie?” He looks at me. “Welcome to the family!” he grins.

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