Silence p.2

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"So Scott's birthday is on Friday and I... I want to make it special. So I think I'm gonna show him what I've learned." Mitch said as he sat with Connie in her living room. He had been practicing his ASL for almost four months and Scott still had no idea.

The days Mitch had practice with Connie, Kirstie had kept Scott busy with making those days their "study days".

Connie smiled, "what do you wanna tell him?" She asked and Mitch blushed slightly before wiping his sweaty palms on his thighs.

I want to tell him. He started and Connie smiled encouragingly. I want to tell him that I love him and that he is incredibly... special. And I want to ask him to be my boyfriend.

Connie smiled widely tears coming in her eyes. "You want to tell him that?" She asked and Mitch smiled before looking seriously at her.

"I want him to know that. I want him to know how beautiful he is. I want him to know that he's amazing and funny and smart. And I want him to know that I... well that I love him. I know that's a strong word and whether or not I know if it's romantically. I do know that I love him."

Connie let the tear fall with a huge smile on her face. She threw her arms around his shoulders and hugged him tight. "Thank you. Thank you so much for caring for him and just loving him for who he is." She pulled away squeezing his shoulders. "He needs someone in his life like you."

Mitch smiled and gulped nervously. "So you think I should? Should I say that? I mean he probably doesn't even like me like that and then it'll be awkward and all the practicing would have been for nothing and-" Connie chuckled putting her hand on Mitch's knee gently squeezing it.

"Do it Mitch, he would love it." She said reassuring him. Mitch nodded before thanking her and leaving to go home before Scott got home.


Mitch was walking down the hallway with Kirstie when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned and smiled with he saw Scott walking beside them.

"Hey Scottie." He said looking at him with a bright smile. Scott smiled back before signing something.

You look beautiful today. He signed and Mitch blushed shaking his head. Scott told him this every morning and it still made Mitch's stomach feel funny.

"Thank you. So do you Scottie." He said back refraining from signing to him until Friday.

Scott smiled before signing the same thing to Kirstie. Kirstie rolled her eyes thanking him before walking into her classroom. Scott stopped in front of the door grabbing Mitch's hand so that he had to stop with him.

He took out his notebook and started writing. Can you come over tomorrow night? I'm having a small birthday party.

Mitch smiled, "of course Scottie. Is it okay if I just go him with you after school?" He asked and Scott smiled nodding excitedly.

He hugged Mitch quickly before pulling away when the warning bell rang. He rushed into class and Mitch hugged himself blushing lightly. You can do this, he thought to himself before he rushed to his class.


       You ready to go? Scott asked as Mitch picked up his things putting them in his backpack. Mitch nodded trying not to think about his clammy hands and pit in his stomach.

      Scott noticed this and put a gentle hand on Mitch's lower back. Mitch jumped slightly startled and looked up at Scott. Are you okay? He signed and Mitch nodded gulping.

      "All good." He smiled weakly and Scott frowned before writing something quickly in his notebook.

      You know you can tell me anything right? He scribbled out before flipping it to show Mitch. Mitch smiled a little more genuinely and pushed the notebook down to look at Scott.

      "I know. Thank you. I'll tell you when we get to your house." He said and Scott smiled lightly before excitedly grabbing Mitch's hand pulling him out of the room.

      Mitch giggled at how excited Scott was for his party and that he was practically being dragged out to the school parking lot.

      When they got to his bike Scott put his notebook away and threw Mitch his helmet before putting on his own. Scott hopped on and Mitch did the same holding onto Scott's waist tightly as Scott started it up.

       They rode home quickly and as soon as they were off the bike Scott started to drag him along inside again. Mitch giggled again following him all the way up into Scott's room.

      They set there stuff down and sat on Scott's bed facing each other. Scott reached over for a notebook he had by his bedside when Mitch reached over nervously to stop him.

       I want to tell you something. Mitch signed and Scott looked at him confused as to why he knew how to do that. I like you. A lot. You're an amazing person and I can barely believe I lived a life without you in it. You don't even need words to make me feel loved and I can't thank you enough for giving me that. You're beyond words and I just wanted to ask you to be my boyfriend? I understand if you don't like me like that but I just want you to know that I love you. If I can't have you as my boyfriend and I sure as hell love you as a friend.

      Scott stared at the beautiful boy in front of him tears spilling over onto his cheeks. He could feel himself blushing profusely and his heart was racing. He snapped out of his haze and went to grab his notebook when Mitch stopped him again.

      Sign it to me. I can hold my own pretty well now. Mitch chuckled awkwardly scratching he back of his neck.

       You could sign this whole time? Why didn't you tell me? Scott laughed hitting Mitch's knee.

     Mitch shook his head giggling, No your mom has been giving me lessons for the past couple months.

       You learned all that? In just a couple months? Scott asked curiously and Mitch laughed.

      Yep, I really wanted to learn before your birthday so I got lessons from your mom and Kirstie and YouTube. I'm still rusty on a few words but...

     Scott smiled widely shaking his head and wiping the tears that were down his cheeks. You mean it? That you like me? That you want to me my boyfriend?

       Of course I do. Mitch signed seriously and Scott looked down shaking his head.

       Why? Why would you like me? You're like perfect and gorgeous. You could be with anyone. So why me? Scott asked sadness and self-doubt almost consuming him.

      Do you want me to list all the reasons? Because I can. You're nice, helpful, caring, gorgeous, funny, witty, strong, mostly confident but not cocky, beautiful, amazing, incredible, hot, gorgeous wait I already said that didn't I? Did I mention that you're gorgeous? Because you are. Scott blushed shaking his head.

      I could go on with a countless amount of meaningless adjectives but they wont even com close to describe the reasons why I think you're amazing and... Mitch stopped trying to remember the sign for what he wanted to say next. I know that you will be in my life for the rest of my life somehow.

      Scott looked up at him with tears in his eyes and a wide smile on his face. With no words he wrapped his arms around the small figure before him. Mitch hummed and Scott nuzzled his face into Mitch's neck, silently asking for him to hum again.

      Mitch hummed again and and Scott felt the vibration against his lips making him smile. He pulled away but stayed close so that their faces were nearly centimeters apart. Scott eyes flickered from his eyes to his lips.  Scott slowly leaned in when he saw Mitch's eyes flicker to his own lips. Scott gently pressed his lips again Mitch's for a slow and soft yet deep and passionate kiss.

     They pulled away a second later both with a deep blush on their cheeks. They smiled at each other excitedly and Scott signed the word yes.

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