Ryker Doesn't Like My Sport

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The pick up riders came over to get me loose but my horse was freaking fast! Zee took off running and half bucking while I tried undoing the wrap but something was wrong with it. It was tied not wrapped. I tried untying it and right when I got the knot out he slammed to a stop in front of a fence. I was slung off him and hit the fence hard...the pain of the gate and the sounds of foot/hoof steps were the last things before darkness.
---------------------------Eve was stuck and the pick up riders couldn't catch that horse. She got something undone and was about to jump off when Zee slammed to a stop and threw her into a fence. I ran and hurdled the gate to get to her, she was unconscious when I got to her.
---------------------------Everything is black! Total darkness! And I can't move! Not a single part of my body! If I could scream I would have by now no doubt! The only sense I still had was hearing, that I knew of right now. So I decided to use it to listen to the conversation going on. "She's in a coma, Ryker. It is from the severe head injury." "When will she wake up?" "We do not know when or if she will awake. If she does we have no idea if she will be able to see, remember you, her friends, or her family, or even be able to move. Th best thing to do it hope and think good thoughts. And talk to her as she may be able to hear." "Ok thank you Doc." I heard a door close and someone sat down beside me. I swear I know that voice! He who sat down grabbed my hand, so I know I can feel, and there were these really strong tingles running up my arm making me feel suddenly safe in my sense of panic. "Hey baby. I don't know if you can hear me, and if you do if you even know who I am. But I want you to know Ryker is hear, and I love you and won't leave your side until I'm told your dead or you wake up. I will never give up baby girl." Ryker, I know him but I can't recall how. I feel a really strong attachment to him. "Hey Ry how is she?" There's another voice I know! "She's in a coma from a head injury." He said saddened lacing his voice. "I'm sorry bud." Said the new female voice. "Thanks Rose..." "Let me know if anything changes please!" "I will for sure." I heard the door close signaling she left. Now I want my eyes open. I focus all my energy on opening them but nothing happens. "Sweet can you let me know if you hear me?" I thought about squeezing his hand. I focused every bit of will power I had into squeezing my hand. It moved a little and my wolf finally woke up. 'Mate! Mate! Mate!' She was shouting in my head. 'We have our mate?' I asked her. 'Yes don't you remember Ryker and Hayden?' 'No not really...' I reply honestly. 'Awe don't worry it'll all come back soon. Now listen to our mate!' 'Ok!' "Baby! Sweetheart? Are you there?!" I squeezed his hand again for I could do that. Then I went to move the other and it worked. "Can you squeeze both Sweety?" I did! "Baby! Everest! Open your eyes sweet!" I tried and nothing. Not even a flutter after trying for ten minutes I was exhausted. I gave up right and went into the darkness when Ryker called for the Doctor.

I groaned and opened my eyes to a bright light so I slammed them shut again. "Eve?!" I heard Ry stir and quickly check me but I only groaned again. "Doctor! Doctor!" "What is it Ryker?" "She's waking up!" "She's not son look at her vitals! They haven't changed, we'll know if she wakes. Trust me." "But she groaned! Twice!" I could tell the Doc just walked away. "Baby can you open your eyes for me?" I tried again this time slowly. My eyes adjusted to the light and when I could see I saw the most beautiful crystal blue eyes I have ever seen. I couldn't steal my eyes off the ones above me. "Eve! Your okay! Can you see me?" "Ye..." Was all I could get out because me throat was so dry. "I'll get you water one sec!" He handed me water and helped me slowly sip it. "So you can see?" "Yea..." "Do...do you know who I am?" "Um...Ryker?" "Yes baby girl!" "Why do you call me baby, Sweet, baby girl?" His face fell. "You don't remember me do you?" I shook my head. "You just heard my name from other people huh?" I nodded again. "I do know your me mate though." His face brightened up and he smiled. Then he ran and grabbed a hand held mirror. He showed me a mark on my shoulder. Then all these memories came rushing back putting me into a small sense of panic. Nurses came rushing in while Ryker held me calming me. I snuggled closer to him when the tried to take me away. "NO!" I yelled with so much authority it scared me. Everyone was looking like me like I grew two more heads. Ryker shakily held up the mirror and I saw my eyes were glowing with blue flames. The doctor came in and did an inspection on me (in Ryker's arms still) and said I could leave in the morning. Ryker and I slept together in the tiny hospital bed, he made it more comfortable by pulling me on top of him, keeping sure to not put my arm in an awkward position. I had just realized my arm was broken. "I love you Ryker. My mate, alpha, and best friend." "I love you too Everest. My mate, Luna, and reason I'm alive." I kissed him and we fell asleep.
Tell me your thoughts plz!
Love you all ❤️😍💕

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