The dream wolf

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There at our door stood the She-wolf we picked up in the woods, and the woman from my dream. "Alpha, Luna." She bowed her head in respect. "I think your Luna knows why I am here now." "What?" Ryker asked obviously still asleep and not absorbing anything said. "Well I know somewhat but not completely." "Could we possibly talk about this after coffee and gym work?" Ryker asked obviously want to understand but unable to. "Yes Alpha. Luna, I'll see both of you in two hours?" She questioned. "Yes that works, thank you." I replied. "No problem my Luna."

"So what were you taking about a dream? I'm sorry I had a... um...interesting dream and was still asleep." He said nodding like he was pleased with his white lie. "What kind of interesting dream?" I asked amused. " see...I um kinda had a dream about a certain special girl in my life and this dirty-blonde haired, blue eyed girl may or may not have been screaming my name." "Well I really hope this 'special' girl was me." "What would you do if I say it wasn't?" He asked suggestively wondering my reaction. I don't know where my sudden confidence came from, probably thanks to Lily. "I would show you just whose Alpha you are! Your MINE!" I yelled the last part before looking at him like he was my next kill. He was my next deer or rabbit. "Well then you would be happy to know it was all you moaning my name." He smirked. "Ugh. Let's go to the gym. Now!" I went up to our room and put on a sports bra and sport shorts. I jump at the sound of a loud growl coming from behind me. "When did you get this tan and toned?" "Since I felt like it Beastie." I said pleased with my nickname. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder before walking out the door. "Eek! Hey put me down! I can walk!" I soon gave up and just sat there watching his ass move with every step as I bounced on his shoulder. When I looked up from his bootie I saw we were in the gym. I looked around to see what I wanted to do first. Pull up bar! He set me down and I took off for the machine. "Hey!" I jumped up to the bar and immediately started going up and down over and over until I reached thirty. Enough arms time for legs. I did fifty squats then ran the treadmill. After that I did some abs. The whole time Ryker was trying to keep up with my ab workout. "Your abs are better than mine! How am I out working you when you only did one mile!" I more stated then questioned. "No idea but I'm whooped! Let's go see...I still don't know her name. Whatever let's just go." I followed him to his little office. Just then the girl walked in. "Alpha, Luna, I know you have experienced some changes I also know why." She says and now I'm curious. "You were chosen to have these powers in order to bring the good rouges back into packs. And to also eliminate the rabid rouges. You both have a sixth sense that will tell you when a rouge is rabid or good." Well for me it would be seventh sense but none of them need to know that quite yet. Or maybe never not even my dad knows about it. "When do we start!" "As soon as possible. The rabid rouges are taking out the good ones. Your dad was informed of your job so you can leave out on your journey in the morning if you wish. I can have everything ready for you?" "Just one question..." Ry took the words out of my mouth. "Yes?" "Who are you?" I said finishing Ryker's thoughts. "My name is Elise and I am your assistant. Sent by the goddess." "Ok well nice to meet you Elise!" This is so cool! "We'll leave in the morning could you pack us food and supplies? We'll get our clothes and other stuff. Thank you." I say politely. "Yes Luna! Alpha!" She bows and walks out.
"I like her!" I said as I started packing my clothes. "Hey so I had an idea for travel." We both said at once. "Haha you go first Evie." "So I was thinking we use the horses. Since it's going to be through the woods." "I was thinking the same thing!" We went out and got everything packed in saddle bags and strapped to a pack saddle that we had to clean up. For some reason Ryker had an old pack saddle in the back of his tack room. We would load Jazzi up with the pack saddle because it was surprisingly lighter than me and I'm only 120 lbs. We had our food, clothes, tent, and other supplies all ready to go for in the morning. Lastly I called Dan to let him know I wouldn't be coming to work for awhile. He had said it was no problem he would work with my colt and give the little girl her lessons. Plus one of them was ready to go home thanks to my good, hard labor! We also packed horse feed like alfalfa pellets and rice bran on a horse Ryker had just picked up. A nice sturdy grey mustang.

We woke up around five fed the horses and ourselves then left around six after saying goodbye to everyone. We saddled up and walked into the woods all the way out of Ryker's pack territory. We talked and looked for rouges but weren't finding any. We went through to a place Ryker knew there was a camp. There we saw a small group. I felt a strange calming sense so that must mean they are good. I looked around at everyone and it looked just like a pack family. But just like any group there is always that black sheep. He was rabid.

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