Recruiting Peach

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Supa Peach

As she laid on her bed watching the finale of the Rap Game for season 3, she got a call from JD. When she saw his name, she flashed back to when he told her to leave the studio on her season. She took a deep breath and declined his call. She continued to watch tv because she was excited to see if JD would make the right or the wrong choice this time. Her phone rang again, and it was another call from JD. Once again, she declined it.  She turned her ringer off and turned the TV up. She began to watch and heard...

"The next person to leave the studio is... Deetranada."

Peach immediately felt upset because she felt as if Dee was a better competitor than Nova. However she liked Nova but really like Dee. She became upset and turned her TV off.
She turned off her lamp next to her bed and picked up her phone.

She went on Instagram and pulled up @Deetranada's account. She sent her a DM and said

girl 🙄 you bodied the rap game chain or no chain 💯

Thanks peachh!!!!

Peach turned her phone off and plugged it into her charger on her night stand. She turned on her side and went to sleep.

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