In The Studio

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Hours later after Dee arrived she was greeted by one of Brat's security guards. He lead her to where Brat and Peach were.

Dee sat down at the table in the studio will all the buttons where she remembered sitting with Mike Kalombo.

Dee started, Bratt where do I sign?

Okay girls so look, JD is not the man you think he is.

You're telling me, Peach mumbled.

He is a fraud and a liar. The winners that he choose for the rap game is so that he can end up kidnapping them and taking them away from their families.

And the tour he is having with all the fan favs is fake!!! He just wants to have them al together and then while y'all are on the bus, he's gonna knock out the driver and kidnap y'all.

Now ever since he fired me, I have been working as a spy. Now when he kidnaps y'all I don't know what he's gonna do.

So I'm recruiting you two, to go in as undercover spies so we can busy him and stop him once and for all. Are you guys in?

Dee and Peach gave each other puzzled looks.

What's in it for us Peach said?
Yeah. Dee co-signed.

Well, you two will be signed to my label SuperSuperDef. "

They both looked surprised for a minute then smiled.

They quickly agreed and shook hands with Brat.

Bratt pulled blue prints from her purse and began explaining the plan to them.

PeachTranada: A Story Of Spies Where stories live. Discover now