Cell Block Deetra

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Dee walked into her cell holding a blanket and tooth brush. She looked good in her orange jumpsuit.

She was greeted by her cell mates. The first one was a big dyke. She was thick and tall. She had a fade and a lip ring.

The second one was mixed. She was a bit taller than Dee but had purple and blue and pink hair. She also had a tattoo on her neck that said EMO.

The third one was shorter than Dee she was. She had nice long pretty hair. She actually seemed nice.

The dyke approached Dee. "Well, she continued. Lookie here! We got a fine chocolate rapper in here!

What do you mean a rapper? Said the Emo girl.

Oh this is Deetranada,the dyke said.  From the rap game. THE ONE WHO COPIED NOVA!

She said bucking at Dee.

Me and Nov cool, Dee started. And all that's dead I aint copy nobody that's dead!

Ohh she bucking? Said the Dyke.

Nahh I'm just telling the truth."

The dyke pushed Dee.

Dee threw her stuff on her bed and started punching the dyke.

The two other girls jumped back out the way.

The dyke slammed Dee to the ground and stomped her.

Dee grabbed her leg and got on top of her and started punching her. I mean throwing punches like she was a boxer or something.

Then a lot of whistles were blown and the cops ran in and grabbed Dee off of the Dyke.

They put her in handcuffs and took her to the basement of the prison.

They opened this cold and dirty cell with only a bed and a toilet.

He took Dee out of the cuffs and pushed her in the room.

Dee stood there and looked around. She let out a loud scream and kicked the door.

When she kicked the door, the light went out, making it pitch black.

Just then, Dee felt a hand grab her.

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