Recruiting Dee

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As Dee sat with her family in the living room watching the finale of the Rap Game, she felt nervous because she didn't wanna relive the moment when she lost. She took a deep breathe and continued to eat her pizza while watching the finale.

"Dee, no matter what I'm proud of you. Said Momtranada. Thanks mom." Dee replied.

Everyone in the room got quiet.

"The next person to leave the studio is... Deetranada."

Dee let out a sigh and said "Welp."

Her family all started yelling wondering why JD chose Nova.

"JD is crazy! They both should have won! He could have broke the chain in half! That was a dumb decision!" Dee decided to go live because she knew her deeblock was hurt. As she was live, she noticed that JD had texted her and said

Dee tmb when you can it's important!

Not wanting to ruin her live, she swiped the message up and continued to talk to her fans. A

While she was live her aunt showed her a fan page which was names I HATE JERMAINE DUPRI.

Dee chuckled and continued to go live.


Later that night Dee laid in her bed in the dark watching a re-run of Bring It!

She put her phone on the charger she has on the floor plugged into an extension cord. When it showed her the charging notification, she noticed that she had another message from JD...

Deeee!!!!!! REPLY!!

Dee turned her phone off and went to sleep.

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