On The Tour

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As they were on stage performing, the crowd was going crazy!! Everyone was screaming YOU THOUGHT to the top if their lungs. Man the energy was on fire. Dee loved performing and was glad that JD gave her this opportunity but she didn't think too much of it because she didn't wanna back out of her mission and loose another contract. She slowly wrapped up her song and Nia Kay started performing.

Dang, Peach thought, she is a great performer and her song is lit. Peach started to think back on all the memories she had with JD while back up dancing with Nova to Nia's song.
She sighed and remembered her mission and got back to being hype.

The cast all joined together and bowed ending the concert.


Later, they were all on the tour bus. Everyone was in the bed sleep except for Peach and Dee. At this time it was around 2:38am, so they had to be quiet, they slowly peeked through the curtain separating the back of the tour bus where all the kids were, from the front where JD and the driver were.

The driver pulled into a gas station to get gas, but before he could get up, JD grabbed a pillow from off of the couch and began suffocating the driver. The driver kicked and accidentally blew the horn waking up King Roscoe.

Roscoe wondered what was going on and Peach rushed to his turning him back to his bed telling him that it's okay and that it was a deer in the road.

Roscoe believing her actually went back to sleep.

JD called someone and said "the body is disposed and on the side of the road come get it and the kids are on their way, bring the knockout pills tomorrow."

Dee texted Bratt and told her what just happened.

Girl!! JD crazy he just killed the driver now her tryna kill us!! HELP!!!
Dee 🙄 I AM A SPY!! I got yall!! Trust me yall good!!
Keep me posted!

JD started driving the bus for what felt like forever. Trusting Brat, Dee and Peach went to sleep.

When all the kids woke up, they all went to the front of the bus, because the smell of breakfast lured them.

They all started eating and complimenting the food.

Mani asked what had happened to the driver. JD had told him he had to levar due to an emergency. JD poured the cast and himself some orange juice however, putting the knockout pills in their cups.


Everyone clamped their cups together and drank at the same time.

Then before you know it all the kids passed out....

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