The Emerald Forest meets your titan

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Right, Part 2 Here we go. ~LightningPharoah

Y/n: "No need to be so formal Harriet lets get to work"

*Time skip*

After wondering in the forest a couple of hours you stumble upon Yang, Ruby, Weiss Etc. As you turn up The shriek of a nevermore can be heard and a Death stalker chasing Pyrrha can be seen, Ruby goes to kill the Death stalker but the Nethermore Feathers catch her cape and impaling it into the ground. Seeing the Death Stalker about to strike and seeing yang not getting to it in time you grab it with a giant fist, it stings the giant armoured hand repeatedly but failing, hearing the nevermore shriek again you throw the Death stalker and jump out your titan, Oblivious to everyone's looks.

*Time skip to the ceremony cause the author is slightly lazy*

Ozpin: "Y/N L/N, You failed to find a partner and failed to collect a relic therefore, as much as I don't want to, I have to expel you from beacon academy. You have 2 Hours to get your things and leave. Before you leave please come to my office as I need to talk to you" Ozpin says this with a heavy heart and hanging head.

Reluctantly you stand up and leave the building going to pack your things.

Harriet: "How did it go Pilot?" Harriet asks with eagerness in her voice.

Y/N: "Harriet what have I said about formalities, and to answer your question, I'm expelled."

Harriet: "What? Why?"

Y/N: "Cause I failed to collect a relic and get a partner. Guess dad was right, I'll never amount to anything."

After grabbing your stuff you head to Ozpin's office where he wants to talk to you.

Ozpin: "Enter"

Y/n: "You wanted to see me before I leave sir?"

Ozpin: "Y/N, When I look at you I see potential but I can't help but think its being wasted by you being expelled, so, I have decided to let you join Team RWBY. Though there team name won't change"

Y/N: "Okay, Thank you Professor Ozpin" You say as you walk out his office. When you leave the elevator you head to Team RWBYS dorm. You knock on the door and wait for someone to answer, when Ruby answers, she does nothing but stare at you eyes wide. After a minute of silence she jumps up and hugs you.

Ruby: "Y/N, Your here."

Y/N: "Yup, Ozpin said I had wasted potential and decided to let me join Team RWBY, The team name won't change though"

Ruby: "Oh thank god"

Y/N: "Anyway, can I come in now?" you say and as if to say yes Ruby moves letting you in. You walk in and look around seeing your teammates and then follow to dump your stuff in a corner and talk to your teammates.   

Hey Guys, Sorry for the short chapter, Hope you enjoyed. Not much else to say, Peace out ~LightningPharoah 

The Light to my Darkness - A Yang Xia Long X Female Pilot Reader Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now