The Visit Part 2

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Sorry for the wait, Also be warned I may or may not start deviating from the main RWBY Plot line, anyway, Enjoy ~LightningPharoah

Y/N: "Hey Mum, Dad, I'm back" You said as you sat down in front of your Parents Graves. You started to explain how life has been so far, how your time at Beacon has been so far and so on. Little did you know your Team was Hiding and followed you the entire way.

*Time skip of 2 hours: Brought to you by Harriet showing Ruby the Predator Cannon: In your dorm*

You open the door quietly attempting not to wake anyone. when you walk inside your Heart Flutters as you see Yang asleep. But Suppressing your feelings you grab some Pyjamas and walk into the bathroom. You hang your Trench coat outside the bathroom and change into the Pyjamas.

Leaving the bathroom as quietly as you can and Crawl into your bed.

*Time Skip to day*

Alarm: "Alarm, Alarm, Alarm"

You hit your alarm clock and swing your legs round getting out of bed. You shower and change into your combat gear. Feeling sneaky you grab your Smart Pistol from under your pillow and hold it above your head. You pull the trigger the bang echoing across your dorm room. You laugh as you hear there scared reactions.

Ruby: "GAHH! I'M UP I'M UP"


Yang: *Still asleep*

Weiss: "WHO DID THAT?!" 

You burst out laughing and your Teammates look at you and see the gun in your hands.

*Time skip to Forever Fall Forest*

You are walking with your Team, Team JNPR, Team CRDL and Harriet of course, on an assignment for Professor Peach in the emerald forest with Professor Goodwitch.

Goodwitch: "-Collect the red sap from the trees and then you can do what you want. Beware of the Grimm though they lurk in the forest still. Meet me at the Landing Site in 4 Hours. Have fun!" and with that Professor Goodwitch walks off to the L/Z as the teams walk off in separate directions. You notice Jaune walking with Team CRDL but think nothing of it. After Retrieving your jar of sap you jump into a nearby tree and get out your Kraber AP Sniper with  Explosive Rounds and keep an eye out for Grimm

*Jaune's POV*

'Oh god' I think to myself, Cardin is making me Throw a jar of red sap at Y/N and then release the Wasps. As much as I don't want to I don't have a choice so I'll do it. I Throw the Jar *SMASH* "GAHH!" *THUMP* "OWW"

???: "Are you ok Pilot?"

Y/N: "Fine for minute, It seems someone threw a jar of Red sap at me" Y/N glares at me with death in her eyes.

Then a deafening roar is heard and 2 packs of beowolves, 4 Ursa, and 2 King Taijitu appear.

*Y/N/ Third Person POV*

'Ahh Shit' You think as you stand up. Then the Grimm charge you and you hear Yang Scream your name and Professor Goodwitch Yelling then you hear a familiar voice and see something you hadn't seen in a long time

Harriet: "Alert, Pilot in jeopardy, Protocol 3, PROTECT THE PILOT"

ANNNND done. see you next time ~LightningPharoah

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