Muted Pilot

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Soo continuing on for last time where I writ my first fluff scene. You guys proud of me? anyway, Enjoy. ~LightningPharoah

Ruby: "Oh.My.God."

Hearing this Yang pulls out of the kiss with her face redder than Rubys Cloak. You look like a tomato has exploded on your face.

Yang: "Uhhh. I can Explain."

Y/N: *Mutters* "Oh my god. Did Yang just kiss me?"

Upon hearing Rubys "Oh.My.God." The rest of the team ran into the room to find Yours and Yangs with Faces Redder than Mars.

Blake: "Y/N, What happened?"

*Time skip to the mountain Glenn mission brought to you by a Horny Yang*

Ruby: "Lets get moving"

You all start moving and killing Grimm when you see them. After what felt like hours you come across an abandoned Hospital, deciding to take shelter there you enter the building and set up camp. You call First (And Last) Watch. As everybody else sleeps you pull out a Barret 50' cal. and wait.

*Time skip to 3am*

Everybody is woken up by the sound of Grimm. Team RWBY and Y/N manage to hold out for half an hour but you slowly get overrun so you call in Harriet.


As those oh so familiar words are said the ear splitting crack of a Titanfall can be heard and then the sound of a Titan is heard and the sound of Grimm being crushed underfoot can be heard. You run and jump off the building you where on and Jump into Harriet's cockpit and hear this:

Harriet: "Controls Transferred to Pilot"

And with that you two did what you do best, Kill Shit. Grabbing the Predator Cannon and aiming at the Grimm you open fire and keep on firing until all the Grimm are dead but more can be heard. 

Turning around you say "Guys Get out of here there is a dropship en-route, Me and Harriet will cover you!"

Yang: "No we are going to stay and fight"


And with that your teammates run to the Evac zone. As they run you and Harriet hold off the Grimm.

Harriet: "Smart Core Online Pilot"

Y/N: "Activate the Smart Core!"

Harriet: "Smart Core Activated"

You keep firing and not stopping till all the Grimm are Dead. This keeps up for hours. After all the Grimm are dead you start the long walk back to Beacon.

*Timeskip to Vale*

You and Harriet have been walking for Weeks. As you finally make it into Vale your appearance has changed. A lot, you have gotten a lot thinner and are suffering Anorexia Due to you having not eaten for about a week and a half. Your hair as gotten longer, and you have gotten taller. Your Combat gear has become Dirty. Covered in Blood, Mud and Dust. You ran out of Ammunition 1 week ago and your Blades (Katana, Knife, Data Knife) Went Dull 2 Days ago. Harriet is damaged, ran out of ammo for the Predator Cannon 3 weeks ago, and is Very low on power. Your scroll got damaged and destroyed. You ran out of water and alcohol yesterday. You Haven't' slept since the mission ended and have been surviving on Sim. Which you ran out of 4 Days ago.

When you got to the Docks you got on a Airship which could take You and Harriet back to Beacon. As you sit down your eyes close and next thing you know Harriet is attempting to wake you up.

Y/N: "I'm Up, I'm Up" You say to Harriet with your Neural (Titan) Link.

Harriet: "Good because we have arrived."

You and Harriet leave the Airship while Harriet walks to the old Hangar that 'She' stays in you head back to your dorm. Ignoring all the shocked looks.

Student 1: "Oh dear Oum."

Student 2: "She's supposed to be dead"

Student: "She looks like she has been to hell and back"

Student 4: "Someone go get Professor Ozpin and Professor Goodwitch. Tell them that She has returned."

Not long after Professor Ozpin and Professor Goodwitch appear and also looked shocked. They try to talk to you but you ignore them and keep walking. Lack of Human Interaction has got to you. Eventually you arrive at your dorm room. You knock on door. "Who is it?" You hear Yang's voice and your heart flutters. You knock again. "Who is it?" This time Yang sounds more aggravated. "Jaune I swear if its you I will remove your head from the rest of your body...." Yang says getting quieter at the last part. "Y/N!" Yang says so loud it can be heard across the entire academy. Team JNPR Rush out their dorm to see Yang crying her eyes out while hugging you. They all have Shocked looks on their faces. The rest of your Team come running down the corridor to see Yang Hugging you with Tears streaming down her face and onto your shoulder. You however aren't returning the hug, Your arms are by your side and under your helmet  straight face. Eventually Yang lets go and you walk into the dorm room, grabbing a change of clothes and going into the shower to clean yourself up.

*Time skip of 1 hour*

You step out of the shower, a bandana round your neck hiding the scar. You have on a pair of Black Baggy Jeans and a Black My Chemical Romance T-Shirt. You sit down on your bed only to have Yang sit down next to you.

Yang: "Y/N are you ok?"

No answer,

Yang: "Y/N, What's wrong you know you can tell me"

Once again, No answer

Yang *Yelling*: "GODDAMMIT Y/N ANSWER ME!" Yang yells hitting the bed, this makes you flinch. You look at Yang with sad eyes. "I would answer you....If I could"   You say to yourself. Then Harriet's voice can be heard.

Harriet: "Miss Xiao Long, My Pilot would answer if she could"

Yang: "What do you mean?"

Harriet: "While in Forever Fall Forest Me and My Pilot where attacked by a King Taijitu. We managed to kill it but My Pilot suffered an Injury in the battle that stopped her voice box from working." Harriet says. As if on cue you remove the bandana so Yang can see the scar.

Yang: "Oh my god Y/N, I'm so sorry".

So there we go. Y/N is now a mute. For the time being. and Yang doesn't know what to do. this took me about an hour and a half to write. See you guys next time! ~LightningPharoah 

The Light to my Darkness - A Yang Xia Long X Female Pilot Reader Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now