And the Walls Come Down

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A/N: Would ya look at that, two chapters posted in under a week! I'm hoping I'll be able to continue posting new chapters on a fairly regular basis now. I love having time to write again :)

Also, side note: you guys should totally check out SPNShortStories on Tumblr! It's a fan project focusing on short fanfiction pieces (non-shipping related) and having it turned into a book. The writing sign ups have already ended, but they are still looking for people to beta the pieces. In fact, I will be writing one of the short stories in this section! My Tumblr URL is demonsiget-butpeoplearecrazy and I will be writing a small piece for the summer section! So you all should check out the project guys! If you think it's a cool project, it would be great if you could spread the word about it to others!

Anyways, I just wanted to tell y'all a little about that. Enjoy the chapter! 

The next day and a half proved to be nothing but stressful for everyone. The atmosphere in their hideout was practically intolerable. Dean felt like he was going to lose his fucking mind if he had to be stuck here for much longer. Of course, Dean wouldn't dare leave again, but the anxious anticipation and worried looks everyone kept shooting him were hard to stomach. Everyone was on edge, knowing that each passing hour brought them one step closer the birth of the Nephilim. Each passing moment brought them closer to Dean's uncertain future.

Since his conversation with Sam, Dean had hadn't said much to anyone else. He wasn't exactly avoiding the others –it was kind of hard to avoid them when everyone was keeping such a close eye on him– but Dean found that his thoughts were calmer when he was alone. It was easier when he didn't have to talk to anyone.

Locking himself inside of his mind, Dean clung to Sam's phrase, Always Keep Fighting, like it was his only lifeline. Those three words were pretty much one of the only things keeping Dean sane at the moment.

Yeah, he knew that the others had his back, but even so, Dean felt more alone than ever. Dean knew that if wanted to talk, Sam would provide him with a warm hug and a shoulder to cry on, but Dean didn't really want to spill his guts out to him. Sam was already worried enough about him, and Dean didn't want to stress him out more by unloading more crap into him. Gabriel was obviously not someone Dean could talk to either. Yeah, the guy was cool once you got to know him, but Dean wasn't all that eager to talk to him about deep personal thoughts and emotions. Even though Dean had learned to work with him and was grateful that he was on their side, Gabriel was still an asshole. Dean wasn't quite sure how Sam could stand the winged bastard.

Since Dean couldn't talk about his problems with Sam or Gabriel, that just left Cas. If there were anyone he could talk to about his problems to, it would be Cas. Dean wanted to talk to him and wanted to tell Cas everything that was running through his mind, but his shame and guilt kept getting in the way. Dean knew how much pain and worry he'd already caused Cas and he couldn't stand the idea of unloading more problems onto him.

Dean's chest ached as he thought about how distant he and Cas had been since returning from hell. After the others had told him about the soul bonding crap, Dean had been trying to avoid Cas. He didn't want to keep avoiding Cas, but Dean couldn't shake the feeling of guilt in his chest. Dean knew he had let everyone down, especially Cas, and it made Dean hate himself even more. The others had just been trying to help him, but in return, Dean had just left them. Then he had to be rescued like some damsel in distress. Dean had been nothing but a burden since this whole witch curse bullshit started up.

Dean sighed deeply and pinched the bridge of his nose. There was just too much going on in his mind. Right, he, fortunately, managed to get a little time to himself. He was sure that someone was close by watching him, but Dean didn't care enough to look around and check. Earlier he had borrowed Sam's computer to do some online research on Nephilim. When he had asked for Sam's laptop, his brother gave it up without so much as a complaint. His geek brother was busy browsing some ancient books about Nephilim. Dean could see that was still desperate to find a something that could save Dean and the child. Dean was pretty sure that there were no other ways and if there were, he doubted that they'd find the solution in time. Sam had been so wrapped up in what he was doing that he didn't even tell Dean not to get porn related viruses on his computer. Sam's lack of complaints showed Dean just how stressed his brother really was. Dean couldn't remember the last time Sam had been this worried about something. Instead of pointing this out to his brother, Dean just took the laptop and silently retreated to a secluded area.

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