Back To College

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 I jolted up in my bed and sighed. 

It had worked.

I climbed out of bed and began to hatch a plan, so I wouldn't get kidnapped.

He came for Sean, so if I make him ill then Anti won't come! I thought to myself before I cast a spell to make Sean ill. I felt bad but it had to be done. I went back to bed and slept.

??? POV

I watched her sleep after tracking fairy magic to this area. I brought out my notepad and wrote that there was a new girl at the college and to interview her later if those annoying demons don't get in the way.

She was beautiful and even more stunning when asleep. I small flicker of light came from her hand and when she turned I saw a ring that said Lilly+Sean on it. It had an amethyst on it which let off a small lilac light.

Flora's POV

I awoke to the groaning of Sean in his bed. I got up and dressed for the day humming a soothing tune. I walked over into the bedroom he had slept in. He moaned and I told him to stay home in which he nodded to in response.

I guess it's back to college.

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