Chapter 20: That Girl Is Poison

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The next morning, I woke up obviously realizing sleep had taken over me the night before.

I had stayed up half the night staring at Carson's "gifts" he had dropped off. There had to be a deeper meaning to this.

Yolanda had agreed to sleep in the guest room and give me my space.

I was surprised. I thought I would never be able to get rid of her.

I wiped the crust out my eyes and rose out of my bed, dreading the day I had ahead of me.

Yesterday had seemed like a mere dream. I tried to convince myself that Alea's baby was alive and healthy. I imagined that Cindy would be downstairs making me breakfast like she always does every morning. Annah would be in her bouncer awaiting her daily breakfast of apple sauce and pears.

However, none of these imaginations would come true and they never would.

I strolled into the deserted kitchen where no food was being cooked and Annah was not in her bouncer.

"Good morning sleepyhead," Yolanda chirped, bouncing into the kitchen.

"Morning," I muttered while preparing to make some bland coffee.

"You look terrible. You sure you're gonna' be able to make it to work today?"


It had disappeared from my mind that Yolanda and I shared the same place of work. There's no way we could arrive their together. One of us would have to arrive first - in our own car. I wasn't trying to get into any more trouble than was needed.

"Earth to Jason."

I escaped from my thoughts and looked over at her. "We can't go to work together."

She chuckled a little. "Why?"

"Yolanda, don't act like you don't know why. You know what my boss said. Any other relations with you and I'm done. I'm not risking my job for you. Not anymore," I stated as I turned on the coffee machine.

"Jason, I'm not asking you to freaking marry me. I have a job to maintain to you know!"

"Well then you maintain yours and I will maintain mine but I am not driving to work with you," I poured a glass of milk. "And that's final."

She threw her hands up in defeat. "Fine."


We agreed that I would arrive at work first to prevent any rumors from being spread.

As I pulled into the parking lot, a frightening sight in my rear view mirror caught my attention.

It was Yolanda.

I quickly slammed on my breaks, almost causing her collide with me. The loud sound of he horn roared in my ears.

I searched in the passenger's seat under all of the papers for my cell phone. I slammed my fingers against my phone to call her.

After a few rings, she answered. "What the hell was that? I almost ran right into you!"

"What the hell are you doing here? We agreed-"

"Oh please. No one is going to notice, I promise. We're old news!"

I groaned and hung up the phone. I looked back at her car in the mirror and glared at her. She was waving her hands for me to go due to a car that had pulled up behind her.

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