1. Red Bone- Rayna

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"Ray hurry we need to leave in like five minutes." My cousin and best friend yelled from the other side of the door.

I stood over the bathroom counter staring at the I'd gotten weeks ago. Today was the first day of school and I'm not taking another year of the dark skin jokes. The bleaching cream was my only hope for a good school year. I tapped my manicured nails against the counter top contemplating. "How much do I really hate myself?"

I brought the the jar weeks ago but up until now I've been to be scared to use it. For once I could be the pretty friend. My blue-black skin left me as the extra person. There was always three of us that hung closely my cousin Lena and her friend Keegan. If we hung out with guys it would always be two guys and me standing awkwardly in the corner because they would look at me and scoff in their direction and they would all whisper quietly in the corner. I was used to it and I accepted it but I can't except it anymore.

Picking up the heavy jar I open the lid inhaling the strong chemical induced sent and it makes me want to gang. I take the tiniest amount on my finger tip and lightly rub in on my forearm. For a second it burns then is quickly replaced with a tingling sensation.

"Ray seriously we're picking up Keegan. What the hell are you doing in there girl." She yelled again. I toss the jar into my bag and walk out the door.

"Sorry girl my edges just weren't cooperating this morning." I lie easily sliding past her.

"Whatever, so today after school since it's the first day and we usually don't have assignments and shit Kee and I were talking and you remember Joe and Devin, right?" I internally roll my eyes because I know where this is going.

I put my sunglasses on as I climb into her jeep. "Yeah I remember them." I say boredly.

"Well they have this friend named Jamal and we're all going bowling after school." I sigh.

"Don't start Ray listen you felt left out last time and this way you'll have someone to keep you company. He's cute as hell too."

She handed me her phone with a picture up of the guy and I roll my eyes without a question. He's undeniably handsome that for sure.

"So let me guess you haven't showed him a picture of me at all right?" I'm already feeling the embarrassment coming on of what could possibly happen after school.

"Well no but why would I need to your gorgeous. I told you Ray I don't run with ugly bitches never did and never will." Ray always try to blow it off but she pities me and I understand.

Not wanting to be Debbie downer I put on a smile. "Sounds cool." I scroll through my Instagram feed it's amazing that I acquired all of the followers online but one second in my high school and they might as well crucify me for my complexion. Sure there are other dark girls at my school who get just as much shit as me but I am by far the darkest and because of that  I am higher on the "fuck with list" I'm pretty sure I'm above fat dark girls even though the girls who are considered fat at my school are finer and prettier than half of the girls there but society is the judge right.

Lena stops in front of Keegan's house and honks her horn twice. Keegan is a bitch to me and I honestly hate her. Lena wants us all to be a trio so damn bad and I fake the funk for Lena because I love her but I swear that girl is meaner than a pit bull. Lena and Keegan are on a pedestal at my school. Everything a person would think a baddie is they are that. I've overheard guys and females ask why they're friends with me on numerous occasions and at this point it doesn't hurt anymore.

"Hey Lena." Keegan says when she gets in the car. She gives me this awkward ass polite wave.

They started chatting and I sunk back into silence. My under arm where I put bleach is starting to itch like hell and when I roll my sleeve up I see that my skin is already a shade lighter. Holy shit! I rub the area and it's sensitive. I try to be a lot stronger and have more confidence but this would be such a break if I could just be lighter.

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