14- Being Human- Jamal

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* A/n Jamal is a different person if you were using that Nassir up top*

"Explain to me while you coming to this again. Since when you went to this type of shit." I asked Nas who I just scooped from his house.

"Told you I met a girl there I'm cool with her she run track." I laughed this man Nas was a womanizer the definition of it.

He had a female in every area code. We could leave the state and this man would know at least one chick to mess with.

"Shit I probably don't know her I barely know these females I'm going cause of a homeboy." I somewhat lie. I'm going to watch Rayna work her ass off.

I meant what I said I'm not leaving her alone until I know for sure she wants me to. When we kissed she held it for a second longer than I thought. I have a chance and she could at least let me try. I don't know about the relationship thing but I been in one so far and it didn't turn out terrible.

Once we made it to my school I parked and headed to the indoor fields. I spot Rayna instantly her hair is up in a pony tail and stretching out.

"Oh shit there she go right there." He pulls out his phone and I turn to see who he zoom in on and it's Ray.

"How you know Rayna?" I ask with confusion written across my face.

"Shit how you know Rayna?" He looks me up and down.

"I'm cool with her cousin and we used to talk a few weeks back. I'm working on something with that one." I nodded towards where Rayna was who clearly oblivious to us.

"Working on something Mal I been talking to shorty for damn near a month and she ain't never mentioned you." I looked at dude like he was crazy who the fuck was he tryna tell me about a chick I been knowing before him.

"How you even know her?" I let out a sigh walking towards the bleachers where Devin, Joe, Lina, and Keegan were sitting. 

"The mall she work at the Forever 21. She had a  pretty smile and when I got to know her she seemed like she needed a friend." He spoke and I gave him another crazy look.

A friend? My gangbangin, ex-con, womanizing, best friend was trying to befriend a girl he barely knew? None of that shit seemed right.

"What Jamal?" He asked noticing my looks.

"Nothing man, so y'all close now or what?" I asked trying to blow the situation off.

He my best friend and she gonna be my girl so they'll have to get a long eventually. I brushed off all curiosity of the duo.

"Yeah, I use her to practice drawing. You know I'm getting better with this tattoo shit." He slid out his phone to show me some pictures.

"I drew these of her."


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