7. Over The Head-Rayna

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Besides Lena it's been two weeks since anyone that group has really talked to me. I don't know what happened but if I wasn't invited before I'm really not invited now. Jamal only talks to me in class if he absolutely has to. I try to convince myself that I'm not bothered by it but I really am. Having to be at least somewhere other than work and practice felt pretty nice.

I'm straightening the jewelry rack  at work to pass time since the mall is pretty empty today besides a few people coming in and out mostly for exchanges we've been slow but its only Thursday so I can't expect to much from this dry ass mall.

"Say, y'all have Forever 21 Men?"  I turn around and see a group of guys standing in the middle of the store.

"Yeah, just turn right." The one that spoke and the tallest one looked me from head to toe and I arch my eyebrow in response.

Dudes  just be lookin.

"Thanks.... beautiful." He smirked and all of his entourage followed.

Rolling my eyes I walk over to the registrar and wait there flipping through the catalog with our new shipment.

Flipping to our beauty section I'm hoping we're about to start selling some brands in here because our line is trash.

The Jeffree Star Launch. I sit up completely straight.

For a brand founded by diversity and "attempts" to promote diversity why the fuck would we carry his racist ass line. The chalky highlighters and the crusty lipsticks and that pink every where. On top of telling a black woman she should pour battery acid it on her skin to lighten it is complete bullshit.

Closing the catalogue I roll my shoulders. I have enough on my plate to get riled up over this. I envy those people, the people with the time to just be angry and to stand up for wrong shit. I just take it.

"Excuse me we ready?" I look up and hop down off of the counter to check them out.

"So what's your name beautiful." The guy pursues.

Oh hell no.

"Did you find everything okay today?" I ask scanning his multiple items.

Good lord did he buy out half of our men's section. It's like he's replacing his wardrobe.

"Not everything because I'm still trying to find out your name?" He won't give up.

"It'll be printed at the bottom of your receipt along with our return policy." I bag up the last of his bag items and he hand him the change from the crisp hundred bills he handed me.

Handing him his bag and receipt he looks down to the bottom of his receipt. "Rayna. Pretty." He smirks at me.

"Thank you." I give him a tight smile I'm not fraternizing with this boy.

"Stop acting like you at odds with me when you just met your new man and don't know." And I laugh out loud and her returns the laughter.

"Is that right." I lean back over the counter playfully. "Well since we at "odds" you would know that I'm not about and that distracting me from making my coins. I have work to do "future bae"'. I chuckle taking all of his hangers into a pile to bring the to the back,

"Well "future bae it would help if I at least had your snap. We need to work on our odds." He plays along with my goofiness.

Biting my lip I give in. "Give me your phone before my manager comes." I say taking his iPhone out of his hand and adding myself on his phone.

I blush when he winks at me when he walks out.

Catching myself smiling I shrug it off putting the hangers in the boxes in the break room.

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