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I regret coming here. Right now im waiting by a park that we where gonna meet by,  mostly because i don't know my way around yet, but they weren't here yet. i know that i shouldn't worry this much. i looked around trying to see if i could spot them. there where a bunch of children running around and adults taking a walk. the leaves on the trees kept flowing in the wind. i might be an introvert but it was actually pretty relaxing.i started wondering why i didn't go out more.

"boo!!!" i jumped at the sudden feeling of someones hand on my shoulder. now i remember why i don't like the outside, your completely exposed to everything. i turned around to find fresh laughing his butt off. i made a pouting face and proceeded to cross my arms. i started blushing slightly from the embarrassment. alphys was trying to stifle her laughter, obviously failing.

"O my god, i got you!!!" i looked at fresh with a straight face (you turned into frisk the end. jk) after a minute of them laughing i laughed a little myself, i'll have to admit it was kinda funny. "anyway, you ready to go?" fresh questioned "i thought you never ask" i said in a joking manner while bowing. "s-shall w-e?" alphys joined in and but her hand out like a gentlemen. at this point fresh was on the floor trying to catch his breath "we shall" i took her hand while still doing the silly voice. i swear though i could see a disappointed look on fresh' face. but when i turned my head it seamed like it just disappeared "well?" i put my hand out to fresh. he blushed and quickly took my hand looking away. i don't think he could get anymore adorable. now its just the walk to there place.

------time skip to fresh' place------

    after we took off our shoes fresh lead us to his room. and what i saw shocked me. the walls where covered in posters, there was a bookcase full of anime, a shelf full of manga's and what i think are a bunch of costumes. i knew it, i did die in history class, what i didn't expect is to land in heaven. "i knew it, i died and went to heaven" i could hear fresh laughing beside me. alphys had went to the couch in the middle of the room while fresh followed. i just stood there not sure of what to do. "aren't you gonna come sit?" i blushed out of embarrassment, i walked awkwardly to them sitting at the end of the couch. "so what do you guess wanna watch?" me and alphys looked at each other than back at fresh "do you have black butler? i have yet to see that"

after i just finished the sentence both fresh and alphys gasped like i had just said i had killed someone. then fresh jumped up and in a second had black butler playing "you have no idea what you've been missing out on" well that went from 0 to a 100 real quick. (lol)

------time skip------

well that was actually fun. i cant really comprehend what happened, i didn't think someone could be more obsessed then me. it was actually more relaxing then i thought it would be. i had a 'normal' conversation, and by normal i mean an argument of witch black butler character is better. well i am happy with today is it gonna be for the rest of the year? am i gonna be able to stay here, will this place be better? or will i have to move again. i hope not, i like it here. will i be able to survive, i know that there are bullies in this school and i know that they know no limit. i just hope that this will go well. cuss at this point, i don't think i can be invisible. but what do i know, this could just be a FRESH start.(pun intended)

im sorry i didn't update sooner and sorry it's short, i am currently studying for a test that is in 2 days....well, wish me luck, and enjoy.

(btw can you guys tell me what you think of this book, and i mean 100% honest. i don't care if you say you hate it, i just want to know.)

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