sleep over fun

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 finally finished wow! this took long, at least now you have something to read. as soon as I can I will update again. now enough rambling here you go! enjoy!!!

I started waking up, slowly regaining consciousness. I was so gonna try and open my eyes when I heard snoring. my eyes shot open. as I looked around expecting to see my room or the living room, I was surprised to see that I was in a unfamiliar room with palette sleeping on the floor.

this is seriously confusing. I stayed there staring at palette trying to find out why I was there when I remembered last night. "ugggh" I let myself fall back.

yesterday was a complete disaster, not only did a bunch of terrorists find me, but it had to be in front of my friends. at least they don't know... yet.

my mind was racing, arguing about how they should NEVER know. "(Y/N)?" I snapped my head to the side to see palette looking at me from the floor. "are you okay you look distracted" I sighed "y-yeah I am, just a bit riled up from yesterday" I took a deep breath, thankful for the fact no one knew it was my fault.

"yeah, I'm not surprised. yesterday was terrible" palette yawned. "mhm. anyways, what now? I've never been at a sleep over before" I looked to the side a little embarrassed.

"well we could have breakfast, or just talk" palette blushed a little, you looked cute when you where relaxed, kinda like a kitty that just woke up.

"neither sounds good, I don't like to eat much in the morning and I really don't like talking"

I flopped pack down into the pillows, mumbling "cant we just sit in silence" I pocked my head out of the pillow pile to look at him. he giggled "sure!" he flopped down onto his pillow pile. I actually let him have a bunch of pillows to sleep with.

we where just lying there in comfortable silence, I really enjoyed it. I almost fell asleep again. I hadn't been so relaxed in forever. funny so much is going on and I can relax. I have to admit, I'm strange. I pulled out my phone to see if there where any texts, there where a few from fresh and the others. I told them that I was safe and at goths house. I looked over the texts to find one from my cousin.

------and now you get the rest------

c- hey where are you?

well at least its nothing bad. I looked at my phone with curiosity, there was no way I was gonna tell him where I was. he actually didn't know for the first time, and I was gonna make this last, plus he would probably just barge in and take me if I did tell him.

with an evil smirk, I just replied casually and put my phone down.

y- safe, don't worry.

I started to laugh at how annoyed he must be right now. "whats so funny?" I looked at palette to see him looking at me from his pillow pile. wow, he looked a lot cuter like this, that's something I didn't think could happen. he was already at the maximum cuteness before now it's just unbelievable. I turned my head away not handling the sight.

"O um, n-nothing! I just thought of something that happened a while ago" I looked back at him. he looked a bit sad falling back onto his pillows, was it something I said? I didn't wanna take the chance so I got ready to hatch my new plan. I buried myself in the pillows getting ready to tackle hug him, why I wanted to do that I had no idea, but there was no way I would let the cinnamon roll stay sad, just no way. as soon as I knew I was completely covered by pillows and that I was facing the right way, I pounced.

he yelped and fell to the side with me on top of him. luckily I jumped into the right direction and landed exactly on palette. he started blushing like mad, I just laughed uncontrollably at his expression, until I noticed our position 'not again!' I quickly got out of the position and rolled onto my back.

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