Staying home

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(forgive me, there will be more spelling mistakes, I'm righting this in a ipad in school)
(F/F)=favorite flavor
This is not how i wanted to wake up. I'm in bed, phone ringing in front of me and its 1 in the night. I already wake up way to early, but this is just to much.
I went to pick up the phone, it was a unknown number. I just didn't trust it. 'Maybe if I just ignore it i'll be fine' i plopt my head back into the giant pillow mountain i call bed. The ringing stopped after a while, I couldn't fall back asleep so I just decided that id start my day. I already wake up early and I went early to bed this time. It wont harm my sleep schedule. Like anything could at this point. I slowly raised myself a little from the pile stretching

'Maybe i could make use of this time' I left my comfort to go in the kitchen, i tried to find something that i was in the mood for, my current mood was for something sweet, as i looked around i found out that i had an old recipe for cupcakes, it was a family recipe.'........guess its just my recipe now' I left my thoughts to start getting everything that is needed. I did not need any depressing thoughts right now. After grabbing all the ingredients  i needed to make the cupcakes i got a bowl big enough for the work, put on some music and started. I was in quite a good mood nothing can get me down now. I started wondering if it would still give me a sugar rush. Naaa I'll just skip the cream and I'll be fine.....hopefully.....

------time skip to when the cupcakes are done------

Finally done. Now its to my favorite part, eating them. I took them out of the oven and set them on the stove. As soon as I took my gloves of I grabbed a cupcake and took a giant bite out of it. BIG mistake, the cupcakes where super hot, I should've probably waited, i quickly but down the cupcake and got a drink of cold water. I got my phone that was still playing music and went on monstersnap. Fresh had shown me the app, apparently everyone in our school was on there. I was still just gonna stick to having them on there. Maybe i could add palette, but that's my limit. I really don't wanna deal with the consequences. The sugar high me loves to go on my phone and text random words to people or take ridiculous videos. So if there's any chance that i get sugar high right now, then I wont have to worry about my phone.

I sent fresh a snap of the cupcake and added a quote 'burned myself' and sent it. Maybe I should wait a little til I take another bite. While the cupcakes where cooling off I just passed the time by jumping into a pile of pillows. I most likely did that about 10 times till i checked again. I tried taking another bite, it was exactly how it should be. There was a little bit of crunchiness on the outside while the inside was warm and fluffy. It wasn't dry and just enough (F/F) in it (my favorite is chocolate). When i was done with the cupcake I reached for another one. That's when I noticed that fresh had replied to my snap.

'Please be more careful!'

Aww how cute he's worried. I quickly told him i was alright and went on by putting all the cupcakes on a dish and returning the tray into the oven. What i didn't know was that the tray was still hot, as soon as i went to grab it I burned my hand, 'so much for being careful' I gave out a sigh before getting the oven mitts and putting the tray in the oven. I should probably not tell fresh.....yup I'm telling fresh, I don't wanna miss the chance to poke some fun at him.

'Hey fresh i burned my hand more'

And send. Now its just to wai-


Well that was fast. I tried fueling the fire by sending him a photo of my hand witch was hurting like all he- anyway he only seemed too freak out more, i thing you can imagine how the conversation went. I was having a lot of fun just watching his reaction. He kept going on about being more careful and putting my hand under cold water. I didn't really do that, i just took the dead skin of and slapped a band aid on it. Fresh kept freaking out about how that's not how I'm supposed to do it. After a little he stopped sending me messages, strange. I just ignored it and ate another cupcake. I could feel the sugar pumping through my veins. Wow this isn't gonna go well, it has been almost 30 minutes since fresh talked to me and i was a little worried about it. I didn't know why, I just had a bad feeling about it.

I shook off the feeling and cuddled into a pillow pile. Just as I got comfy I heard a knock at my door. I reluctantly got up to go investigate. As soon as I opened the door i was surprised to see that, it was fresh!!

"How do you know where i live??!?" Fresh giggled "one of the teachers told me" o wow. Now I'm concerned, but also entertained. "W-why are you here?" He walked inside "Well its quite obvious you won't take care of your burn so I'm gonna have too" that's when I noticed that he was carrying a first aid box. I don't believe it he came all this way, just to patch me up. And trust me it takes a while to get here from his place. What made me more surprised is that he actually called a teacher for this. My mind was still processing everything so didn't notice fresh pulling me thwart the couch. It wasn't till I felt the back of the couch that I snapped back to reality (o there goes gravity..... Sorry)

"Huh?" Fresh was heading to the kitchen while i sat there dumbfounded. When he came back he was holding a wet cloth. "Wait let me get this straight.... You called a teacher, found my address, walked all this way..... just to take care of my burned hand!?!?"

"Yeah, pretty much" "why?" "Why not?" "To shay" he patched up my hand, first putting the cold cloth on my hand and then rapping it in a bandage. Despite all of this I only flinched two times. This seemed to concern fresh, but he didn't say anything. It was a pretty big burn since I just grabbed the tray with out second thought, so I'm not surprised that he's a little concerned, but I think after my experiences this really isn't anything. When he was done rapping the bandage we just watched some shows he wanted to show me. We connected my computer with the TV screen to have a bigger screen. I was going to make popcorn but fresh stopped me, something about I shouldn't be using my hand, so while he was making the popcorn, I snuck into my room getting a bunch of pillows and pilling them on and in front of the couch (I wasn't looking and typed in class instead of couch XD) and sat down . When fresh came back he scolded me for disobeying and sat down. He put on a show and we watched the show

after a while i had fallen asleep. Fresh found it adorable, he turned of the TV, put away the bowl half full of popcorn and left, making sure i was ok. but not before he heard on of your yawns witch btw are adorable. you had actually at one point started talking really fast but that just added to the cuteness. what could you say you really where 100% adorableness.

Yay I'm done!!!! Maybe now I can do my homework *looks at pile of homework*
.......naaaa i think I'll just start on another chapter. Anyways please tell me what you think of this book like really, I wanna know if I should continue or not. but now to more pressing manners..... HOW DID THIS BOOK GET 300 VIEWS???!!!!!??? LIKE SERIOUSLY HOW??!!!!????THIS BOOK ISN'T THAT GOOD!!! ITS REALLY BAD ACTUALLY!!!!!!! LIKE WHY!!!!  *cough* anyway thank you for reading till next time. bye!

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