sorry for the wait (A/N)

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I'm sorry for how long you've had to wait. I'm going to continue writing soon and that's all the updates I have on the story. If you want a proper reason for my disappearance you can continue reading

Okay so I've been dealing with something kinda scary to me and for a long while I couldn't focus on anything.

Now before you start thinking it's something like depression or something like that, no. I'm completely fine and I WILL continue this story to the end. The thing I'm dealing with is my panic attacks. I keep panicking and feeling like something is trying to get to me.

Now I know that that isn't the case and that all of this is in my head, but that doesn't stop it from being scary

For example a door shut because of the wind yesterday in the middle of the night and I started panicking, then it turned into a panic attack after thought I saw something outside the window.

Now usually the way I solve this is by being near someone else, but I was alone home so I continued to panic until someone came home.

This is leaving me restless in the day or even still jumpy and I don't have enough focus to actually sit down and Wright.

Now like I said I will continue it soon. school is gonna start and I will have times in the morning where I will Wright as much as I can and hopefully update regularly.

But until then I hope you have a great day!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2017 ⏰

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