no more calls

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I woke once again to a ringing noise. 'ugggh, not again' I got up. if it was that same phone number I swear I was gonna find out who was waking me up. as I reached for my phone on the living room table. for once it wasn't that phone number but... 'WHY IN THE WORLD IS MY CLOCK SET TO TWO!!!' that was it, it was official, the world was trying to kill me. i didn't even try and get up I went straight back into the pile of pillows.

before i could snuggle up in the cozy warmth I realized why my clock was set so early. i still needed to read for history. After giving out a long tired sigh, I got up and started with my homework. despite everything logical I worked best in the morning.

------Time skip------

after finally finishing up, I checked the clock. it was 5. now maybe I could eat and try and get some rest (lol, idk how many times I've said that) After mentally noting that I need serial, i finally just got something small. and tried to lie down. as soon as i hit the pillows the clock on my phone rang. 'that's strange i don't remember setting another clock. I grabbed my phone, nothing but confusion and tiredness on my face. once I looked at the phone I flipped. it was that number AGAIN. I was way to tired to deal with this. i declined the call and checked the clock. i might still get a few minutes of sleep. I again dropped into the pile of pillows, only to be disturbed once again by someone knocking on the door.

'OK SEEMS THE WORLD DOESN'T WANT ME TO GET SLEEP' I raised up, all the care in the world flown out the window. walking to the door. I didn't see how it could get any worse. As soon as I opened the door I was meet with a familiar face. "hey sweetheart~" alright, I stand corrected. it just went from bad to worse. "heeeyy pj" my voice was just as tired as me.

"wow are you ok. did you just wake up?" i looked at him. laughing. all tiredness leaving me. smiling i answered "pfff na i woke up at 2" "wow, at 2? but that's still in the night" he was looking at me like I was crazy. to most people that probably is. "anyways why are you here? wait. how did you know where i live!?" he gave out an awkward laugh. "well. i wanted to ask if you wanted to walk with me to school aaand fresh told me" there was something i didn't expect. "wait, are you and fresh friends?" he smiled brighter "yeah" "well I'm not ready but if you can wait a couple of minutes, then sure!" I stepped out of the way so he could get inside.

"I don't mind. we still have plenty of time!" while i went to change clothes pj looked around, mesmerized by all the stacks of pillows. it was kinda relaxing. as soon as I was done I noticed him staring at the pile of pillows. since he didn't notice me yet, I got the brilliant idea. I sneaked up to him, making sure not to make a sound. as soon as i got behind him, I pushed him onto a giant pile of pillows. he shrieked as he fell. i burst out laughing. as soon as he realized what had happened he started blushing like crazy (or at least you thing its blush) as soon as you recovered you offered him a hand. he had an evil grin as he took my hand. instead of getting up he puled you down, making you yelp. it took a minute to process what had just happened. as soon as I realized what pose we where in, I swear I looked like a tomato. I was on top of him, hands at the sides of his face. I immediately got of him."aw why'd you have to move~"

"cut it with the teasing" I looked at pj still blushing like crazy while pouting. I gave out a sigh as I calmed down (lol. there will be more of these later *insert lenny face*) "we should get going" pj chuckled. "alright" I went to get my bag, no longer blushing luckily. and ran down stares.

on our way there we just talked about random stuff. I had to admit it  was better then going alone. as soon as we reached school, we had to part ways. "well same time tomorrow?" pj looked at me expectantly. i sighed and laughed a little "sure, why not" he smiled brightly at me and left.

Author's POV(its short... again)

what (Y/N) didn't know was someone was getting jelly. as soon as (Y/N) entered the class room (art) she noticed that there was a lot of whispering. (Y/N) sat down, not paying any attention to the whispers, taking out her headphones (fun fact: its almost impossible to see me with out headphones. I always wear them, even if i don't have music. sorry for the interruption)

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