Born to be Wild

37 4 41

A country lane, the southernmost part of the Domain, just North of the Magic Forrest.


The farmer wiped his brow and walked over to the fence that marked the boundary of his land. Leaning on the fence, he looked across the road beyond. Nothing yet.

He reached into his pack and brought out a bulky piece of cloth. Within the wrapped cloth, there was an apple, half a loaf, some chicken and a hunk of cheese. He set this on the top of the fence and reached back into the sack to retrieve two bottles of cider to accompany his lunch.


Across the road, another farmer was waving from behind his boundary fence. A dog could be seen between the slats.

'A good day to you,' called the first farmer.

'I got ale, cool from the stream, some peaches an an apple pie,' called the farmer with the dog. 'Which side today?'

The lone farmer considered. 'Best I come over to you. Save hitching ol Albert there over t'fence.' He started to climb over and stopped. 'You hear that?' He peered northward along the long winding roads, which travelled up on a slant. 'Looks like somethin's a comin. Ya can see the dust frum here, like.'

The second farmer grimaced. 'Bloody modernity.'

His friend scrambled over. 'It'll be that fool Toad no doubt, racin' around in that smoke belching monstrosity. Ain't natural.'

'Aye, big muck a muck e thinks e is, with his fancy mansion an time on his hands to do nowt but roar around botherin decent folk.'

The visiting farmer reached his friends side of the road and climbed on the fence. 'It's almost here ... that's fast even for Toad.'

'Gentlemen,' came a third voice. 'That does not appear to be Toad.'

They both looked at the dog. 'What'sat ye say Albert?'

'I merely observe that my eyesight is keener than your own, as is my hearing and if i'm not very much mistaken, I spy a six foot rabbit on a motorcycle.'

'Motor wot?'

'Tis like a bike. Best get over before e gets here!'

Seconds later a Harley Davidson and it's black biker jacket clad rider roared by, shaking the fence and almost knocking the farmer over to the other side. His friend steadied him and then shook a fist at the rapidly disappearing machine.

'Bloody Hare!!!'

'Aye,' said the other. 'That un's worse than Toad. Damned fool jumps on anything new from the realm of the mortals as soon as it shows up. Even dresses like em.'

'Bloody modernity,' said his friend.


Totally oblivious to this and already almost a mile down the road, The Hare was enjoying the feeling of the air in his face as he sped along, his long white-grey hair trailing behind him in his self created slipstream.

He revved his engines and sung along with the song that was playing on the part tech, part magic mini boom box he'd had his mage guy trick up for his bike.

'Get your motor runnin'

Head out on the highway

Lookin' for adventure

And whatever comes our way

Yeah Darlin' go make it happen

Take the world in a love embrace

Mythlands: THE HEISTNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ