A Bear, a Narnian, a Redhead and a Victorian walk into a room

21 2 5


'Who's there?'

'It's me, The Hare! Let us in!'

The door opened and the escapees poured through.

The Glass Cat stared at George and then glanced at Boo, Jessica and Bulgy. 'We seem to be attracting more than our fair share of hangers on. Is this some kind of joke?'

Note - The reason this scene is so short is that the week it was done, the Weekend challenge prompt (joke) specified 50 words instead of 500. This could have been a typo but what the hey, I ran with it! This scene will be posted with the following part so plenty of Mythlands action ahead!

Mythlands: THE HEISTTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang