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Hi everyone who is reading this:

This story is essentially a trilogy - 2 parts have been completed. But to be truly publication ready I need to add the character profiles which I started in Word doc form a year or so back.

Character Profiles will give you a background on significant and obscure characters and tell you where they first appeared. There will also be occasional mentions of what they have been up to since becoming citizens of the Mythlands when there old stories ended - more detail will be given to the more prominent characters such as Tortoise, Hare, Mr Toad etc.

I will mention every character that appears if they are from another source, but only significant original creations such as Griffin J Cat, Styrr and others will get a profile. The villager from Hamlin will get a profile as a focal point to cover the unnamed Hamlin villagers and mention what background/unnamed characters are in the Mythlands. The two farmers and their talking dog in the 1960's Hare flashback are examples of background characters seen for a single scene that won't get a profile.

Certain characters are being used under Fair Use and Parody, but while I can't name them explicitly, I am able to be a bit more forthright in the index/profiles as that is not part of the actual story. Example - an upright stuttering pig who is at the urinal next to the Asgardian god Vali early in Part One, might be one I can describe as being a bit 'porky' - though not name checked I will provide the character's providence in brief.

The Mouse is a major character - he is an evil bastard version of a massively well known character, so he needs a profile to mention his origins. But I must stress dopplers or versions of well known characters are not themselves that character.

Objects, places and lands of significance will also have their own profiles, albeit after the character profiles. Some may be both - The Magic Mirror is a character AND an object.

Finally, each character index ends with the final character appearing in a specific part. So every CP (Character Profile) of characters appearing in Part One will be published with Part One. Then Part Two etc. As Part Two deals with future versions, if significantly different to their past selves who appeared in Part One, added info will be given to characters in Part Two. So Future Hare will be given a profile but readers will be referred to the Hare's profile in Part One to get his backstory/origin. Only NEW information will be added to profiles in Part Two.

In addition, I have drafted ten stories so far in MYTHICAL ORIGINS - MO is a companion book dedicated to telling more personal short stories about specific characters - some you've seen from The Heist and some you haven't. It will also explore themes and mysteries about The Mythlands.

After the completion of The Heist and MO, I have a few ideas of more stories set in the Mythlands, but unless set before The Heist, these stories will deal with whatever status quo is established by the end of Part Three. So for example if Oz is destroyed by a nuclear blast at the end of The Heist, future stories will not ignore that fact.

Thank you - all comments welcome. If you're just seeing this for the first time, please go back to the intro and begin a fun, wild and epic adventure!

Character  Profiles will follow.

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