Pushing to hard

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Blake arrived at the hospital with Gwen's present in tow. He couldn't get to her fast enough. As he walked to the reception desk he saw Lou.

"Howdy Miss Lou"

"Hey cowboy. She isn't done just yet. It will probably be about 15 minutes before they bring her back out."

Blake's excitement deflated and Lou could see it.

"She's ok cowboy I promise they are taking good care of her."

"Oh I have no doubt about that but I just don't like the idea of her being back there alone."

"You're a good guy Blake. I'm really glad she found you."

"Yeah I'm glad we found each other."

"I'll go check on her and see when she will be ready to leave."


Five minutes later Lou comes out wheeling Gwen in a wheelchair. She is pale and looks totally exhausted. Blake's heart breaks as he walks to her and squats down in front of the wheelchair.

"Hey sunshine. You ok?"

"Hey. Just nauseous and tired."

A worried look is on full display on Blake's face as he hands her the stuffed frog he got her. Gwen smiles a huge smile and reaches up to get the frog in one hand and touches his cheek with the other.

"Blakey stop worrying, I'm ok I promise. I just want to go home and to bed for a little while."

"Hmm excuse me miss I'm Wonder Woman. You need to go to bed for a while not just a little. You have to take care of yourself Gwen." Lou piped up

Lou explained some of the do's and don't to Blake and Gwen before Blake went to get the car. Gwen tried to get up from the wheelchair to get in the car but as she did Blake came around.

"Sunshine let me help you."

"No I got it. I can do this."

As she fights with her body to get herself in the car on her own Blake can see the struggle she is having. Whether she likes it or not Blake steps in to help.

"You know you don't have to do this alone. I'm here to help."

Gwen smiles at him but doesn't protest this time. She has what she has always wanted. A man to take care of her.
As they get home and get Gwen in the house, Blake can see just how much the trip home has wiped her out. Gwen can barely hold her weight up as she gets out of the car.

"Gwen can I help you darling? Please let me help ya!"

As much as Gwen hates to admit she is weak, she knows she can't do this without his help so she nods. Blake bends down and lifts Gwen carrying her into the house and up to her bed. He heads downstairs to fix her a Sprite mixed with Pedialyte. When he brings it back up she is already asleep. He makes sure she has her pink bin, in case she needs to throw up, and the tv remote before heading into his room to watch tv. He can't make himself go down stairs. What if she needs him and he can't hear her down there? No, he won't go down, he is content to sit in his bed to watch tv.

About a half hour later, he hears Gwen move and then hears her throw up. He shoots out of bed and to her side to hold her hair back. When she is finished he takes the bin to the bathroom to rinse it out. When he comes back she has the tv turned on.

"Hey you want to take some of the meds they gave you to help with the nausea?"

"No that stuff is just gonna make me even more tired."

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