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It was quiet. Too quiet to go unnoticed. There wasn't any wind nor was there even a bird in the sky.

Jaebum woke up to the sound of nothing. It was slightly unnerving. Normally there were sounds in the morning. All he heard today was his own heartbeat and his breathing.

He got out of bed to investigate. When he got downstairs he saw something that made him think he was dreaming.

Right there in the kitchen were his mother and father. But they were frozen. Frozen as in they weren't even blinking. The air was as still as it could be. Jaebum went and waved his hand in front of their faces but nothing happened.... nothing at all.

"Haha nice prank guys," Jaebum said with a nervous chuckle. They didn't react in any way and that worried Jaebum a little.

He went up to his mother and put two fingers on her wrist. He didn't even feel a pulse. They weren't breathing either. They were still alive, it was just as if time had been stopped.

"What the hell kind of a dream if this?" Jaebum softly muttered to himself.

If only he knew it wasn't a dream.

A/N: I'm really excited to be starting a new story! I'm going to quick explain how this will work though...

Okay so if the chapter is named "☆" than that means it will focus on Jaebum. If it is named "♡" it will focus on Youngjae. I'm probably going to write most of this in third person but some may be in first person. Idk...

This is just a prologue too. I'm writing a Jaebum and a Youngjae prologue before the real story starts.

As always, votes and comments are appreciated so don't forget to do that!


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