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-3 Months Ago-

Jaebum spent most of the morning staring at the new boy.

He was honestly breathtakingly beautiful. Jaebum had noticed from when the boy first stood at the front of class and introduced himself as Choi Youngjae. What a beautiful name for such a beautiful person.

Jaebum found out that they had most of the same classes too. Not like he was stalking him or anything. That would be ridiculous.

There was something strange about this Youngjae person though. He rarely talked and if he did it was only because he had to answer a teacher or something like that. He seemed to always sit in the corner of the room with his hoodie pulled over his face.

Maybe that's why Jaebum was interested in him. Youngjae was a mystery that Jaebum was going to solve.

As the day went on Jaebum just tried to get the boy to talk to him. It almost seemed like Youngjae was avoiding him for some reason. He was never rude but if he saw Jaebum coming towards him he would turn the other way. When Jaebum offered for Youngjae to sit with him and his friends at lunch, Youngjae just walked past them and pretended to not hear Jaebum's voice.

It confused Jaebum as to why the boy would rather sit in the corner by himself than with him and his friends. He figured it was just because the poor boy was shy. This was partly true of course, but there were other reasons Youngjae could not sit with him.

One day he would find out why. Today was not the day.

A/N: I know this is a short chapter but it's meant to be that way, trust me

I just write in short chapters so yeah

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