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-Still 1 Month Ago-

Jaebum still hadn't stopped trying to get Youngjae to just simply eat with him. Every day Youngjae would decline yet Jaebum still kept asking. Youngjae thought that Jaebum was playing some cruel trick on him, he thought there was no way anyone would care enough about him to be that persistent.

After almost two months of Jaebum's efforts Youngjae finally said yes. He hadn't even planned on saying. It was just to hard to say no to him anymore.

Jaebum introduced him to all of his friends.

One was very motherly like, another seemed very shy and quiet, the last boy was loud and he didn't seem to be afraid to embarrass himself. Youngjae thought they all seemed nice. Jaebum told him that two more friends would be coming later.

When the other two came Jaebum introduced them as BamBam and Yugyeom. They both seemed a little strange but nice.

Youngjae noticed some things too. Like how Mark and Jinyoung looked at each other. He always saw the same look when Jackson and BamBam would steal looks at each other. It seemed as if they were all so happy. Youngjae wished for that kind of happiness one day. He knew it couldn't happen though.

All he wanted was for someone to look at him like the said couples looked at each other. Little did he know, when he wasn't looking Jaebum would look at him just like that.

"So are you guys like a thing now?" Jackson blurted out when they were about halfway through lunch.

Youngjae almost fainted when he heard that. Why would Jackson say something so bluntly like that???

It was at that moment that Youngjae realized he shouldn't be doing what he was doing. He shouldn't be socializing. He shouldn't be making connections. If he did they would all just get hurt in the end.

Youngjae got up and sprinted to the bathroom. He heard footsteps behind him and that just made him run faster. He got to the bathroom and locked the door before his chaser could catch him.

Youngjae heard Jaebum's voice outside the door asking him what was wrong.

Youngjae almost slipped up and actually told him. Luckily he caught himself before he said anything dumb. For now he would just have to fake it to make it. That's what his mother always told him to do.

He asked Jaebum to go away and to his surprise he actually said he would.

Some insane part of Youngjae made himself ask Jaebum to stay.

After he said that he started to panic.

'Why did you say that??? Are you right in the head??? Oh god he's actually staying... what do I do? I could ask him to go but that'd be weird. Should I say anything or just stay quiet...?' Youngjae's head was a mess. He had no idea what to do.

He heard Jaebum lean against the wall and that was when something inside of him snapped.

He started to sob and mutter "it's not safe, they're coming" over and over.

Youngjae knew he sounded crazy but it was like he was trapped inside his own body. He had his mind but he couldn't control his body. Youngjae started to wonder if this us what insanity felt like.

Jaebum kicked in the stall door and pulled Youngjae out. He put his arms around the younger bot who was currently a mess. Jaebum was whispering that it would be okay but it seemed to have no affect one the sobbing boy.

Youngjae just wanted to escape this. His 'gift' did this to him. And now Youngjae could do nothing about it but live in fear of the people who gave him his 'gift' finding him. Again.



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