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-Still 1 Week Ago-

Youngjae had been trying his best to just shut out the older boy. It was hard but he knew it was for the best. He couldn't put the boy in harm's way. Anyone who was close to Youngjae was in danger for many reasons.

It was finally the last day of school before it let out for summer. Youngjae felt like he should have been happy about this but instead he almost felt sad that he wouldn't see the little red brick building again for quite some time.

As he was walking out of school for the last time that year he heard a familiar voice.

"Wait!" Jaebum yelled as Youngjae walked past him. The younger just kept his head down and continued to walk forward as if he had heard nothing.

Jaebum didn't seem like he would give up so easily. He asked Youngjae if he could at least walk him home. Youngjae knew it would just be easier and quicker to agree so he did just that.

He put headphones on and almost turned on his music until he heard Jaebum's voice.

"Youngjae? Youngjae can you not hear me?" Jaebum questioned.

Youngjae almost answered but he decided against it. He wanted to know what Jaebum had to say.

Jaebum asked if he could speak freely and Youngjae had to stop himself from nodding.

Jaebum started talking and Youngjae couldn't believe what he heard. (A/N if you want the dialogue of what he said, it's in the last chapter)

Did Jaebum really mean all of what he said? Did he really want to know Youngjae better? Or was this just some cruel trick? More importantly, why did Youngjae's stomach do flips when Jaebum said all of this?

When they finally got to Youngjae's house the younger stopped and still said nothing.

Jaebum stopped too and said that he would continue to walk Youngjae home, even though they lived in complete opposite directions. He must have thought the other was still listening to music.

Youngjae said he wouldn't mind if Jaebum did that. He didn't even mean to say that, it just came out. He was shocked at his own words so he ran inside his house before he could say anything else.

When he got inside he was greeted by his mother.

"Hello dear," She said with a smile. "If you don't mind me asking, who that boy that walked you home?" She asked as she pointed at Jaebum who was now walking away down the street.

"Oh... he's just a friend. I think..." Youngjae muttered that last part to himself.

"Okay... Well dear I'm so happy that you've made at least one friend. I just don't want you to get too attached in case... Let's not think about that." Youngjae's mother said with a concerned smile. "Now go on up to your room, I have work to do."

"Okay mom, I'll be down for supper." Youngjae said as his mom sat back down at their table to continue whatever she was previously doing.

When Youngjae got to his room he sighed at the boring decoration. It's not like his mom and him had a lot since they moved so much.

He laid on his bed with white sheets and loom at his white desk that was again white walls. It was slightly boring but Youngjae had gotten used to the white. It was almost a calming color to him. Everything in his room had a place and he hated any mess. The only thing he had that wasn't necessary was a framed picture of him and his mother before they found out about his... 'gift'. Nothing had been the same since then.

Youngjae found himself wondering what Jaebum's bedroom looked like. He quickly shook off those thoughts. Why was he thinking about that boy again? He wasn't sure.

Sorry that I suck at updating ;-;

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2017 ⏰

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