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-2 Months Ago-

It had been almost a full month since Youngjae had joined school. He still hadn't said more than five words to Jaebum.

He always walked the halls with his head down, he rarely talked, he always sat at the back of class and no matter how many times Jaebum offered for Youngjae to eat with him, he would always eat by himself in the corner. Jaebum originally thought all of this was because he was shy. He was starting doubt that more and more as each day passed.

The day had been pretty normal and mundane for Jaebum. Well it was until free period*. During free period you were allowed to wonder the halls and pretty much do anything you wanted. Except for leave the building of course.

Jaebum was just standing next to his locker playing on his phone when he felt a timid tap on his shoulder. He turned to see who was there and was very surprised to see Youngjae standing there. The poor boy almost looked scared.

"Yes? Can I help you with something?" Jaebum spoke first as it seemed like the younger would never say anything.

"Um... well... I've just seen you around and I wanted to know what your name is but if you don't want to tell me I totally understand and great now I'm rambling okay maybe I should just go," Youngjae said all of that in a rush and it was almost hard for Jaebum to understand what he was saying.

As Youngjae was about to turn on his heels and run away Jaebum simply said in a calm voice, "Im Jaebum."

"What?" Youngjae stopped before he ran off.

"You asked for my name didn't you? My name is Im Jaebum."

"Oh... okay..." Youngjae said awkwardly as he honestly didn't think he would get the older's name. "Sorry for bothering you... I should go now. Bye.... Jaebum," Youngjae said as he turned down the hall and left.

"Cute" Jaebum muttered under his breath with a smile once he thought Youngjae couldn't hear him anymore.

He definitely had to get to know this boy better. Jaebum knew there was more to Youngjae than what met the eye. He was going to find out what the younger was hiding. First he had to get closer to him. That almost seemed like an impossible task but Jaebum knew that he could do.

'What is this boy doing to me?' Jaebum questioned himself.

He walked back to class and made a promise to himself. He would become friends with Youngjae. Maybe more in the future. You never know.

*I have no idea how Korean schools work so I'm basing this off of the high school my sisters went to. There was a study hall at some time in the day (let's say it's at 1pm) but there wasn't much studying going on. It was basically a free period for an hour.


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