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-Still 2 Months Ago-

Youngjae had been at the new school almost a full month now and he still didn't know the boy's name.

The boy still hadn't stopped trying to get Youngjae to talk to him. No matter how many times Youngjae declined Jaebum would still come to him every day at lunch with a big smile on his face and offer for Youngjae to sit with him. It was getting harder and harder to say no.

Youngjae decided that today he was going to find out the boy's name. If he could get over his own awkwardness of course.

It was free period and Youngjae saw the boy at his locker. For once none of his friends were with him. It was the perfect time to talk to him.

Youngjae wasted about fifteen minutes just trying to figure out how to ask the boy. He finally decided that he had wasted enough time and that he should just go for it.

He went up and tapped the boy's shoulder lightly. Youngjae's heart was currently going a million miles an hour.

"Yes? Can I help you with something?" The boy asked after Youngjae had not said anything for a painfully awkward few minutes.

"Um... well... I've just seen you around and I wanted to know what your name is but if you don't want to tell me I totally understand and great now I'm rambling okay maybe I should just go..." Youngjae was internally scolding himself for being so awkward and probably messing everything thing up.

Youngjae was getting ready to run away and hopefully never see the annoyingly handsome boy again. Wait... no Youngjae did NOT just think that. It had been such a confusing day and Youngjae didn't even know what to think anymore.

"Im Jaebum" the boy said calmly just before Youngjae sprinted out of there.

"What?" Youngjae was thinking he was hearing things now, after what just happened there was no way the boy would want to talk to him, let alone give him his name.

"You asked for my name didn't you? My name is Im Jaebum." The b- Jaebum stated that as if it was the simplest thing on earth.

"Oh.... Okay...." Youngjae honestly had no idea what to say, he never thought he would actually get his name. "Sorry for bothering you... I should go now.... Bye Jaebum." Youngjae tried out his name, he liked how it sounded.

When Youngjae walked around the corner he heard Jaebum mutter "Cute" under his breath.

Youngjae's heart stopped for a minute. He tried to reason with himself and say there was no way Jaebum was talking about him. A part of Youngjae wished he was though.

Youngjae shook his head and told himself to snap out of it. This had happened before and that hadn't ended well. He was stupid for thinking even for a second that he could ever have a normal life.

Youngjae walked back to class and tried to forget what had happened.

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