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-Still 3 Weeks Ago-

Youngjae had been avoiding Jaebum ever since his breakdown in the bathroom last week.

Youngjae still doesn't know what happened that day to make him breakdown like that. He just snapped. All the pressure of staying hidden and trying to stay as under the radar as possible must have gotten to him.

The worst part was that Jaebum was there for all of it. Jaebum had seen Youngjae at a weak moment and the younger didn't like it.

What he really didn't like was when Jaebum approached him today at the bleachers. Youngjae had gone to the bleachers to escape Jaebum, not make it easier for Jaebum to talk to him.

Jaebum pleaded Youngjae for answers as to what was going on. Youngjae had a hard time telling him to just leave because the look in the older's eyes almost broke his heart.

Youngjae told Jaebum to leave, to forget that he ever existed. He said that the older would just get hurt if he wouldn't leave him alone. That was partially true of course, he definitely could get hurt. In more ways than one. The people that were looking for Youngjae would hurt anyone who so much as said hello. He wanted to tell Jaebum that but he just wouldn't understand.

Jaebum looked so hurt when Youngjae had told him to leave. He asked Youngjae if he was being serious. Youngjae wanted so bad to just say that he was messing around. He wanted to make the older smile again. He couldn't though and he knew that.

Youngjae had to choose his next words very carefully. He wanted Jaebum to think there was no way Youngjae felt anything for him. It was going to be hard to tell that big of a lie.

"I don't care about you now nor will I ever." Youngjae said words that he didn't mean. He said things that he wanted to take back but knew he couldn't. This was for Jaebum's own good. Even if he doesn't know that.

Youngjae saw something change in Jaebum's eyes when he said that. He seemed to loose a certain spark that was in eyes before.

Youngjae couldn't stand to look at what he had done anymore. He turned and ran back to the building not looking back. He knew if he looked back he wouldn't be able to move foward.

Three hours later Youngjae was about ready to head for home when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Um can I talk to you for a second?" It was Jinyoung, Jaebum's friend.

"Yeah, what's up?" Youngjae asked as Jinyoung pulled him into an empty class room.

"I can't talk for long but you just need to hear this. Don't talk, just listen."

Youngjae nodded and waited for Jinyoung to continue.

"I'm just going to say this now, Jaebum cares for you. I know you guys don't know each other very well but I can tell by the way he looks at you. I've never seen him look at anyone else like that. He never shuts up about you, he's always talking about how one day he'll get you to trust him. Now I couldn't help but overhear what just happened and I have to say that you're making a mistake. Jaebum will be crushed if you really never talk to him again.

"I'm not going to say that I know what's going on in your life and why you think you're protecting him by doing this but you're not. Just please give him a chance." At that Jinyoung walked away and left Youngjae.

Why was everything suddenly so complicated?

A/N: Sorry that I missed Friday's update!

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