Chapter 32.

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"Stel, did I wake you?" Luke's quiet voice came through the phone, like he thought he would be able to be heard even though we weren't even in the same room.

"No, I've been up all night. What do you need?" I asked. Luke had been at my house only a few hours before, I couldn't think of anything that he would need to call me for this late. He told me that he was going to go to bed early anyway.

"I'm just not feeling too great right now." He sighed.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" I sat up from where I was laying on the couch and turned off the TV, putting my full attention on Luke.

"I'm just freaking out a little, that's all." Luke's voice came out shaky and his breathing was heavy. I stood up and began to pace back and forth, my old habit coming back.

"About what?" I asked.

"I- I can't tell you." His voice broke again, and it sounded like he had been or still was crying.

"Luke, please tell me what's wrong." I begged, though I knew Luke was going to be stubborn about this.

"I don't feel good." Luke said again. Thats what scared me, because I knew he didn't mean that he felt sick. We had been through the before, Luke wasn't okay right now and he had no one there for him except me.

"Why do you keep saying that? What do you mean?" I asked, and even though I knew the answer I added, "Are you sick?"

"I've felt like I needed to throw up for hours, but I can't. I haven't eaten enough to throw up." Luke explained, it now being obvious that he was crying.

"Why haven't you been eating?" I stopped walking. I noticed recently that Luke had been eating less, but I hardly even thought twice about it. He told me that he always ate a lot at home, when I wasn't with him. I would have never guess that he'd stopped eating all together.

"I don't need to. I'm never hungry anymore." Luke whined.

"Is this because of the medication you take? Does it make you not hungry?" I asked, thinking maybe that was it. A lot of medicines did that, they made you lose you appetite. It was probably that, it was normal for Luke to not want to eat.

"I haven't been taking my medication. I thought I was okay again." Luke said, and I started pacing once again.

"Luke, the medication is what was making you feel better." I sighed. I was so sure that he had been taking it by himself, I didn't think he needed anyone reminding him about it constantly. I never wanted to bother him about it, because it was something that he should have remembered to do on his own.

"I can't do this." Luke panted on the other side of the phone, his words barely able to be heard between his breathing.

"Please tell me what's going on." I pleaded with him, getting more and more worried with every word he spoke.

"My therapist said this was normal, he said it was okay for me to feel this way. But I just feel so sad, Stel, why am I like this?" Luke babbled on, and I wasn't sure if even he knew what he was saying anymore.

"What do you mean 'sad'? Luke, what's happening?" I asked, listening to the sound of Luke sobbing through the phone.

"I don't feel good." Luke said yet again, his cries becoming a little quieter now.

"How? Luke, where are you right now?" I quickly walked into the kitchen and found a piece of paper, writing a sloppy note to my mom and brother saying that I had to go over to Luke's house and would call in the morning.

"I'm not okay, I'm not okay, I'm not okay." He said over and over, breathing hard once again.

"Where are you?" I repeated, already looking around for some shoes and a jacket to wear.

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