It all comes crashing down

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Percy Pov:

I left the throne room knowing that there was another war. I internally groaned. How many wars do we need to go through in my lifetime. Sheesh. Anyways, I whistled and called for my Pegasus, Blackjack, to take me back to camp. Out of nowhere, he came. "Hey Boss? Got any donuts, and where we headed?" Blackjack asked in my mind.

"Sorry Blackjack, maybe another time. And to Camp Half Blood." I answered.

"Aw alright Boss. Still, maybe tomorrow?" He questioned me.

"Uh, sure." If we don't have another war, I thought internally.

Blackjack flew at the speed of sound, racing us to camp. When we got there, I guess the camp set had already heard the news, even though no one from the meeting was back. All I cared about was getting to Annabeth and spending some time with her. Recently, we had been drifting apart, and we rarely even talked anymore.

I saw Annabeth by the Athena cabin, of course. She was reading Wizards: Are they Real? Only my Wisegirl, I thought while chuckling. When she heard me walk up, she looked up from her book and said "Hey Seaweed Brain. Can we talk?"

On the inside, I grinning from ear to ear, for I thought she wanted to just talk, without anyone else intruding on our conversation. Boy was I wrong. As soon as we walked to the beach, I saw a tear fall down her cheek. She started talking. "In the war Percy. I know you are siding with your dad on this one. I'm siding with my mom. I'm sorry, but stay away from me. We can't be together if we are enemies. We're through." Those words hurt me so badly, I thought she would, say 'JK LOL', but she didn't. I was heartbroken. That was only the beginning though.

I ran away from her, so she couldn't see the tears that were soon cascading down my face. I bolted for my cabin, and slammed the door shut. How could I live now? She was literally my life line. Little did I know, that this was only the start. I fell asleep in my cabin, pretty much crying myself to sleep.

The next day, oh geez, that was hard. The hunters were planning on coming, and that means, oh joy, Thalia. I love her like a sister, but she was just a tad too competitive sometimes. Anyways, I saw the hunters coming over the hill. I wanted to go say hi to Thalia, but I got stopped by one of her hunter friends. They refused to let me through. Finally, Thalia came and I feel like like my world had nothing to stand for anymore. She pretty much disowned me as a friend. She said, "Stay away kelp for brains. Your on the enemies side, and I don't deal with enemy scum. Got it Kelp Head? STAY AWAY. Don't come back."

I felt the tears coming again, so I ran away, and happened to bump into Nico, one of my best buds. "Nico! What's happening to everyone?!" I asked him.

"Stay away Percy. Your on the enemies side. I don't deal with enemies. I kill them. Stay away." Nico threatened. Sadly, more and more people heard this, and they came over. I felt like I was disowned from being a hero. They called me a useless hero who should fall into Tartarus, and stay there. That was the day when I went to live with my dad. Camp Half Blood was not a home to me anymore, so I packed up my bags and left without a goodbye. I left a letter, explaining if they tried to come and find me, I would kill them at first sight because they were "enemies". I didn't mean to be harsh, I just had a lot to deal with right now. So with a heavy heart, I left my second home.

The Betrayed One: A Percy Jackson StoryWhere stories live. Discover now