Pulling of the names :O

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Percy Pov:

Oh Gods! I hate them so much. Its like seeing Kronos and Gaia at the same time!

After I walked away from them, I went over to the only place where I could truly vent out some steam. HA! Jus kidding. There is no place like that here, unless you count the lake, where THEY are.

So I just went up to our corridor until the drawing of the names. I guess because there were so many kids, that they were allowing two names per school/camp.

-Time Lapse-

Harry Pov:

I went to go up to our corridor to tell Percy to come down, but he was just sitting on his bed, staring at a wall. I hope that his friends wont bug him so much that he leaves.

"Hey Percy, the naming pulling is about to start. Are you coming down?" I asked him.

"Oh. Hey Harry. Yeah, I'm ready to go down when you are." He responded.

We walked down to the Great Hall in silence, but not an awkward silence, more like a much needed silence for both of us.

When we walked in, everybody else was already seated. Percy and I both sat down at the Gryffindor table while I noticed there was another table for the campers.

"Well, Harry, Percy, I see that you finally came down." Headmaster McGonagall said.

"Sorry Ma'am its just been a rough week." Percy replied.

"Anyways. The first names will be from Durmstrang." She listed off two names that I had never head before in my life.

After them, she listed the Beauxbatons. Again, no people I knew were listed.

"And now, our newest addition this year, the HalfBloods from Camp HalfBlood."

The two names she pulled were Nico De Banjo and Annabeth Choice. Oops, I mean Nico De Angelo and Annabeth Chase. Sorry.

Percy paled when those two names were pulled. Hmmmmmmmmm...... IT COULD'NT BE THAT THEY BETRAYED HIM? (Sarcasm :PPPPPP)

"Finally, our students from Hogwarts." McGonagall said.

She pulled out a name. A name that could be mine. I prayed that it wasn't my name. Phew, it wasn't, but I'm pretty sure someone was very displeased, and that persons name was Percy Jackson. He was the first name.

I thought that all my suffering was over, until she called my name next. I swear the world stopped turning. All I could here was deafening sound of the crowd, right before I blacked out.

Percy Pov:

OmG! (Oh my Gods!) Why did they have to pick my name?! After all the suffering I have been through, couldn't it be someone else's turn for once! Nope. Ok guess not. I wouldn't have minded my name being pulled except for the fact that SOME people were here.

I can't even say their names without me dying inside.

I guess Harry was feeling the same way I was, because right as his name was called, I blacked out.

Annabeth Pov:

Yes! I'm in this tournament! I should win, if I use the right tactics. What are the challenges? How will I get Percy to trust me again?!

Nico Pov:

Why me. 

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