Leaving? Nah...

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Eek! Sorry for the temporary hiatus... I had state tests so I didn't have any time to write.. D:::::::: But anyways, here it is! :D

Percy Pov:

"OK.... Uh... I'll hopefully see you sometime in the future Harry." I told him.

"WAIT! If I swear not to tell, will you stay?" He asked me. I thought about it.

"What you're doing is pretty severe Harry. If you tell anyone, you will literally cease to exist."

It looked like Harry was having a battle inside himself, until he said yes.

"Alright," I told him. "All you have to do is swear on the River Styx."

"I, Harry Potter, swear on the River Styx to never to tell a soul about Percy's secret unless given permission." Harry said. Of course, as he said it, thundered boomed in the distance. Zeus, take a chill pill I thought.

After he swore, we walked back out to where everyone was.

"Hey! Where were you guys?" Asked Ron.

"We were just talking about the Quidditch tryouts Ron." Harry answered.

"Ok." Ron replied.

Wow.....Another bullet dodged. Harry is apparently good at lying. Who knew?

Anyways, after finally knowing that I could trust someone at this school, I became very happy and lively again. It was almost like..... When.... Before they betrayed me.

Don't think about it I mentally told myself. Harry genuinely seemed like a man of his word.

Annabeth Pov:

I felt like I was a bomb of grief. When I told Percy to get away from me and that we would never be together anymore, I think I saw his heart shatter into a trillion pieces. I have to find him. I HAVE TO. If I don't, it will make me feel like a tidal tide of grief, instead of a tiny bomb.

Percy Pov: (Three months after Harry found out what Percy really was)

Everything had been great at Hogwarts. I was blending with all of the people now. I had made the Quittich team, as the keeper. Turns out, I was a natural. Who knew?

Anyways, it had been a very peaceful week here. Last week, we had learned about the Greek Gods. They added a new unit this year, so "the students can learn about other subjects besides magic." During one Greek class, I wanted to start rolling on the ground from laughter. They had everything wrong. I guess the wizards didn't really care what we learned about the gods. They said Zeus's name was Zice, and he was the king god, who ruled over the oceans and dice. Yeah. Good job wizards. Poseidon was apparently the god of the sky, and was banished to only have flying seahorses to talk to. I don't want to even bring up Hades.

Back on the subject, it had been three months sines I had seen any sign of the gods. Thank the gods they hadn't found me. While in hiding here, I really learned to trust Harry. I could tell him everything about me, and he wouldn't judge. He also told me about his adventures.

That Voldemort guy seems a lot like Kronos.

Ron and Hermione also became really good friends of mine. Us four hung out 90% of the time. The other ten percent was when we were eating or sleeping.

Life couldn't be sweeter.

Today, Harry, Ron, Hermione and I were going to the dining hall for an important message that the headmaster had. We walked down to the hall, and I saw a giant goblet looking thing in the middle of the room.

"Thank you for coming students. As you know, because the triwizard tournament was, ur, disturbed a few years ago, we have decided to have the games again. We will have four 'schools' competing this year. If you are in your 7th year, you may enter your name in the goblet. If by the off chance that your name gets drawn, you will go to the site of the games. We will have two students from our school compete in the games again. That's all students. Have a nice day." Said Headmaster McGonagall.

"Hey Percy, who do you think the other school is?" Harry asked me.

"I dunno, but it seems like they aren't a school the way the headmaster put it." I replied.

On our way out, Hermione, Harry, Ron and I all out our names in the goblet. Hopefully, my name would never be drawn, and I would never know who the other competitor 'schools' are.

I'm sorry I haven't updated in years...... ;-; I couldn't think of the right phrases to write. It was like trying to decide chocolate or vanilla. But yeah. I will TRY REALLY HARD TO UPDATE SOON. IF I don't, wait, there won't be a won't! I SHALL.

The Betrayed One: A Percy Jackson StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя