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Harry Pov: (Before they met Percy)

I was walking with my two best mates, Hermione and Ron, when I saw an American fellow walk up to us and ask if we could help him. I figured he was a wizard, so I said yes.

Soon, we got him supplies, and apparated to the station. He looked so shocked, so I laughed pretty dang hard.

On the train, we talked about everything that was random in the world. From Quittich to Snape. Soon, we arrived at Hogwarts, and we took the carriages. I saw those dark black creatures, and now my free ends could too. Odd thing was, is that Percy saw them too. Did he fight against Voldemort too?

After getting off the carriages, we walked in the door. God. I love this place so much. It was like a second home. The only downside is that Dumbledore died. I still missed my old mentor.

Percy Pov: (current time)

Ok. So they weren't kidding about a castle. It was HUGE inside. Giant paintings even moved inside. It was pretty epic if you ask me. When we got to this one giant room, it had four huge tables. Harry told me to go line up with the little kids, which was awkward. He said I needed to get "sorted" whatever that meant.

There was a person at the front of the room, who was apparently called Professor McGonagall. She was the new headmaster.

"Welcome first years to Hogwarts! Your sorting shall begin now" She called out to us.

There was a magic talking hat that was out on a stool, and called out weird names like Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. The professor was calling out names to get sorted. I was dozing off, for ADHD and all, until she called my name.

"Perseus Jackson!"

Wearily, I walked up to the hat, and before I could even put the hat on, the hat screeched out,"GRYFFINDOR!"

People at one table clapped really loudly, and welcomed me in. I found out that my newfound friends, Harry, Ron, and Hermione, were in the same group as me.

"Hey welcome to Gryffindor" Harry told me.

I was really glad I was with them.

Hermione Pov:

I was really glad Percy was with us. He seems like a good bloke. Weird thing is, he's a wizard an has never been to Hogwarts before. He should be a seventh year like us. I wondered what happened? Eh, maybe he just never knew about wizardry before this.

Because our last year at Hogwarts was spent finding Horcruxes, Professor McGonagall decided to have us again, for a seventh year redo. I still couldn't get over the fact that Percy had never been here before. I wondered about that boy.

Percy Pov:

After the sorting was done, we ate the best food ever. I wanted to burn some for my dad, but that would be suspicious.

The food was gone in about ten minutes. All the leaders of each group said to follow them to the dorms. Uh, no offense to them, but couldn't we just walk without them yelling at us to go faster?

No matter, we finally got to a portrait, that swung open with a password. It was weird getting up here, because the stairs moved. Not even the gods are this weird.

When we got up the dorms, it was almost 12:00 am, so I hit the beds. Everyone else followed my lead.

"Hey dude, good night." I told Harry.

I guess he wasn't used to the word dude, so he answered, "Yeah mate. Have fun here."

Better than bloke I thought as I fell into a deep sleep.

Poseidon Pov: (LOLOLO)

I went to go see my son, Percy when I saw his room was empty. All that was left was a note. It said don't worry about him he has gone away to recover from the recent events. Since I knew he was immortal, I didn't worry too much. I still did worry though. Maybe Zeus has come to his senses and called off the war. Lightning had stopped streaking the sky, and the wind had calmed down.

I went up to Olympus to see that they were having a council meeting. I sat down on my throne and told Zeus to continue. Even though we were at war, I could act civilized.

"Anyways, as I was saying, I want to make a peace treaty between the two sides. Mortals need to live. All for not killing the mortals?" He asked.

Everyone raised their hand.

"All right now anyone have any news?" Zeus questioned.

"Yes. My son, Percy has gone missing." I said sadly.

"WHAT?!" Thalia screeched. Oh, silly me. I forgot to mention that Thalia had quit the hunt, and has become a goddess. Nico was also now a god and Annabeth was a goddess.

"Oh my gods we HAVE TO FIND HIM!" Annabeth yelled.

"YEAH!!!!!" Nico seconded her.

"No. You will not look for him. You're the reason he left. He needs his space. Let him be." I answered them.

Annabeth was soon in tears and Thalia and Nico looked down ashamed.

"If anyone was to find him, it should be one of his friends, not his ex-friends." Zeus said. I was shocked. He usually didn't care about the demigods.

"Poseidon, if you want, send one of his old friends to find him. It could be an ex-friend or a current friend. I don't care. He needs to found. Any volunteers to find him?"

Shockingly (sarcasm :3333), Annabeth, Nico, Thalia, and Hestia raised their hands.

"Why you Hestia?" Spoke up Athena.

"That young hero didn't deserve this fate." Hestia answered.

So there were four people searching for him, and in a flash they were gone, already starting the search.

I hope they find him.

"On that note, meeting adjourned." Zeus flashed out, and so did I.

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