Life Here Goes On

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Percy Pov:

It had been a day since the first challenge. Personally, that was way easier than I thought it would be. I have no clue what the second challenge includes, but if it has a lake and water, I'm all for it.

I was actually walking down to the lake to think when I saw Nico sitting on the beach of the lake, deep in thought. I didn't really want to go talk to him at that time, so I just sat next to him.

He didn't even notice I was there, which was really strange. He must be thinking really hard about how to beat me at Mythomagic, or is just too deep in thought.

Even though I acted like I hated Nico and all the others, I just couldnt find it in my heart to full on hate them. Nico had a reallly big reason to hate me, because I let his sister, Bianca die. I will never forgive myself for that.

While I was thinking, Nico snapped out of his trance and started to talk to me.

Nico Pov:

I couldn't stop thinking about the day when I attacked Percy. I felt like I was being willed to do something about it. Besides, Percy is my cousin, and I couldn't bring myself to hurt him. We had become as close as brothers before I turned my back against him.

I went through the events of that day.

I woke up, went to eat breakfast at Camp, then had some orange juice. After that, I felt like I wanted to tear Percy apart limb from limb. How could I even think that?!

Wait a minute. After breakfast.... MY ORANGE JUICE. Someone must of spiked my orange juice with something. Who though....?

I can't even remember why I wanted to side with Athena. I knew that my dad was siding with her, but my dad and I don't exactly see eye to eye.... I didn't even want to side with my dad.... Hold up. Athena. She must have done this. Who else would want another child of the Big Three on the opposing side. Ugh whenever I see Athena again I am going to give her a piece of my mind!

When I snapped out of my little thought mode, I saw Percy was sitting next to me, staring out onto the lake.

"Percy? What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"What? Oh I was just coming down here to think and you were here." He replied.

I really wanted to tell him that I wasn't myself that whole war, but would be believe me? Meh, it's worth a try.

"During that war, I wasn't myself Percy. I wanted to side with you until I had breakfast one day, and I think that Athena had spiked my drink to hate you after I drank it. I know it sounds really stupid, but just believe me on this one bro." I said.

Percy just looked at me with disbelief in his eyes.

"Why should I believe you Zombie Dude? I need proof... After what everyone did to me, I don't know what to believe anymore." Percy answered.

Suddenly, I had an idea. Athena tended to be so prideful that she would sometime give away what she did to boast.

I pulled out a drachma, and IM'ed Athena.

"Nico. What do you want." Athena said very boredly.

It was a good thing that Percy was out of her view.

"Um..I was wondering how you got all of us on your side of the war. I mean, that was so brilliant that I want to learn how you did it and learn from it." I lied. I think I heard Percy scoff.

"Well Nico.... Lets just say that Hectate was also my ally. And, that all you campers should be careful of what you drink. I have to go, and please Nico, don't IM me unless its an emergency." Athena said boredly, as she swiped her hand through the call.

"Dude I'm sorry I didn't believe you." Percy said somenly.

"It's fine. It's my fault for not being more careful about what I have for breakfast. Orange juice is evil." I Joked.

_Time Lapse_

Percy Pov:

I hung out with Nico the rest of the day. It was pretty awesome having him as a friend again.

I wish I could say that I trusted everyone that betrayed me again, but I can't. Nico was the only one that I know that was forced to fight against me.

Now I have to worry about the second challenge, not some old friends that tossed me away like a piece of trash.

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