Heavy Heart

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AN: Ok, so I decided to update today!!! :3:3

Yeah. That's all I had to say. ;D

Percy Pov:

As I was saying before, I left and went to my dad's place underwater. Even though this place got totally trashed during the Titan War, it looked like it had never been scathed by the damages of war. I walked into the throne room to be startled by my dad, looking pale. He NEVER looked pale.

"Uh...Dad are you ok?" I asked worriedly.

"I'm fine Percy." He answered back, a little bit too quick.

After that, he showed me to my room, where I would be staying for quite a while. I looked around the room. It was so awesome being a son of Poseidon!!! The walls were literally made out of water, and fish could swim right next to your room. It was like a giant fishbowl. After getting over how cool my new room was, I sat on the bed, and just stared off into the distance for a while. Why did all my friends betray me like that?! After all I did for them, they know that I was torn apart when they betrayed me, for my fatal flaw was loyalty. I eventually lost my train of thought and dozed off into sleep.

That morning, I woke with a start. A dolphin burst into my room saying that I was needed by my father's side, for he was battling above water. I quickly got ready, and swam to the surface. I guess my dad knew I was ready, because he teleported me to the battle site. I dashed over to join the fight. The first enemy I saw, was of course Annabeth. She stared at me as if I was some kind of monster, and it really freaked me out. I mean, it was only one day. She charged me, with a vicious scowl plastered onto her face. Geez, I thought. Such a nice ex-friend. I didn't have the heart to even hurt her though, so I sprinted to her before she could get to me, disarmed her, took her dagger, and tossed it to who knows where. Frustrated, Annabeth ran away, to go looking for her dagger. I thought maybe, just maybe, we could win. That was until I saw my friends.

Thalia suddenly appeared, and sent a bolt of lightning at me. Being the Seaweed Brain I am, I thought she wouldn't have the heart to try to kill me. Oh gods, was I SO wrong. If I hadn't moved at the last second, I would've been dead seaweed. Thalia looked at me with a pure look of hate on her face.

"So Jackson, decided to side with your daddy huh? Stupid move. You'll die with your father." She spat at me.

"Thalia, what the Hades happened to you?" I shouted to her.

"What happened to me?! You won't even fight me Jackson. Your a weak, stupid, selfish coward." She replied.

OK, now I was pretty mad. Does she even remember our friendship?! No matter, I decided to catch her off guard and half-heartily attack her. She easily retaliated and threw my sword away. Soon, she had her weapon against my neck.

"Give up Jackson? Already? Wow. Killing your mom was easier than this." She whispered in my ear.

She regretted it as soon as the words came out her mouth. All of the sudden, the seas rose 50 feet in the air, and I was literally about to explode with rage. Insult me all you want, BUT NEVER MY MOM.

I let the seas come down on her, well knowing that she could be killed. Thank the gods she wasn't, but soon Riptide came back to me and I had my sword at her throat.

"Percy. You wouldn't kill a friend would you?" She asked out of fear.

"No." I answered after about a minute of silence.

After all, we had so many good memories. I lowered my sword. As soon as I did, Nico shadow traveled behind me, and Thalia brought out her weapon. I was trapped.

"Ugh. Stupid Seaweed Brain. Too loyal for your own good." Nico growled at me.

"Athena set this up didn't she?" I questioned, already knowing the answer.

"Yup. Any last words traitor?" Thalia answered.

"Yeah. I'll never be there for you ever again. Don't expect me to be nice and jolly and spare you pitiful life. Don't look for me either." And with those words, I summoned a huge wave of water, and disappeared within the depths of the sea.

For months, it went on like that, but I refused to fight again. Knowing my mother was dead, and my old friends had killed her had been like taking a knife to the heart. Poseidon was clearly upset also, but he didn't let it show as much.

Finally, not being able to take it any longer, I wrote a note to my dad, explaining I was going away for a long time, to sort out my feelings. I also asked him to not look for me either. To add, I told him not to worry, for earlier that week he gave me immortality, just incase something happened while I was on my own. With a heavy heart, I left his palace, swam to the land, summoned Blackjack, and flew to who knows where. I told Blackjack to find a place where the gods would never find me, and while I was still flying on him I fell asleep. When I woke up though, I would have a huge surprise.

The Betrayed One: A Percy Jackson Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن