Chapter 3 : Caring for him

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It has been 3 weeks since Shantanu left for Spain. News channels were frequently providing updates on the reality show that he was part of. His friends got a glimpse of him during these telecasts.

Vrushika was at home watching latest news in television world provided by a news channel, when she came across the news that Shantanu has got hurt while performing a stunt in the reality show. Vrushika was shocked to hear the news and she was not sure how to get an update on his condition. Suddenly she remembered Maccy and Nimit saying that Shantanu used to contact them whenever he had free time. She decides to go to their dance studio and meet them to get an update on Shantanu's condition.

Meanwhile in the dance studio:

Maccy and Nimit were in a video conference with Shantanu.

Maccy: Hey dude. How are you?

Shantanu: I am fine guys.

Nimit: Just saw the news about your injury. I hope you are fine.

Shantanu: I am absolutely fine. It was just a minor injury.

Maccy: Okay.

Shantanu: So, how are the others?

Nimit: Who are you asking about?

Shantanu: How are our other friends like Sam, Amar, Archie, Alisha.

Nimit: Everyone are doing great here. Amar is busy with our YouTube channel while Archie has got a new project. Alisha is currently busy with choreography of a new movie and Sam as usual is chilling out.

Shantanu: And

Nimit: Who else is left?

Maccy: Bharat

Nimit: Oh yes. Bharat is still in Dubai with some new projects.

Shantanu: What else?

Nimit: Nothing else dude. I think we have updated you on everyone.

Shantanu: Guys, how is Vrushika?

Maccy: Oh, you wanted to know about Vrushy.

Shantanu: Nothing like that. I was asking in general. She is also one of our friends.

Maccy: Yeah, you are right. She is also our friend. Well, I have not met her since last week. Sam told me yesterday that her parents are very keen on that doctor's alliance that came few weeks back. Both the families are happy with the alliance and are just waiting for Vrushika's approval.

Shantanu: Oh

Maccy and Nimit noticed the change in Tannu's tone on hearing about Vrushy's marriage. They could see that he was disturbed by this news. Before they could say anything else, Vrushika enters the studio. Maccy and Nimit were shocked to see Vrushy there but they decides to keep the video conference going on so that Shantanu can hear their conversation. Maccy also switches the camera so that Shantanu can see Vrushika on his phone.

Vrushika: Hi Maccy. Hi Nimit Sir

Maccy: Hi Vrushy. What a pleasant surprise.

Vrushika: I was just going this way, so I thought of meeting you guys.

Nimit: That's so nice of you. Why are you standing there? Please take a seat.

Vrushika comes forward and sits on the ground next to them.

Maccy: It's been some time since we met you Vrushy. How are thing back home?

Vrushika: Everything is fine. I am just working on a new video with Amar for my YouTube channel.

Nimit: That's nice.

Vrushika looked at Maccy and Nimit unable to decide how to ask them about Shantanu while Maccy and Nimit were also thinking about a way to get her admit her feelings for Shantanu.

Vrushika: Maccy

Maccy: Hmm

Vrushika: Shantanu..

Both Maccy and Nimit look at each other with a goofy smile as Vrushika herself came up with the topic of Shantanu.

Maccy: What about Shantanu?

Vrushika: Did he call you guys? I saw the news about his injury. Is he fine?

Nimit: Hmm. He did call us. He said he is okay now and it's just a minor injury.

Vrushika: Hmm. I am sure he would have forgotten to wear his safety gear or tried to do something dangerous just to win the game. He is so dedicated to whatever he does that he some times forget that he is a normal human being and not superman. He does not take care of himself. I hope he is having food on time and taking care of his health.

As Vrushika was scolding Shantanu and expressing her concern for him, someone was hearing all these over the phone and smiling. That person was none other than Shantanu. Maccy looked at his phone screen and saw Shantanu grinning listening to Vrushika's scolding. Maccy nudges Nimit asking him to look at his phone.

Maccy: Vrushy, I am sure Shantanu is fine. There are so many people out there to take care of him. Haven't you seen the earlier seasons of the show. There are beautiful hosts to take care of the contestants. I am sure Shantanu would be enjoying the company of those beautiful hosts.

Maccy and Nimit saw Shantanu making angry faces on hearing Maccy's comments and they both were finding it difficult to hold back their laughter.

Vrushika: Yeah, I am sure he would be enjoying their company. Anyway, it's his habit to forget old friends when he finds new ones.

Maccy: Come one Vrushy. I am sure Shantanu will never forget you even if million other people come into his life.

Vrushika: Even if he does I don't care.

Nimit: Really

Vrushika: Yeah. I don't care if Shantanu Maheshwari forgets me.

Maccy: Then why did you come running here when you saw the news that he has got hurt?

Vrushika: He was my co-star and we worked together for such a long time. So it's basic courtesy to know about his well being.

Maccy : And was it also part of your courtesy to get a sacred thread for your co-star's safety and give him a goodbye kiss.

Vrushika was shocked to know that Maccy knew about what happened between her and Shantanu at the airport.

Maccy : Now tell me Vrushy that you don't care for him.

Vrushika remains silent.

Maccy : Come on speak up Vrushika Mehta.

Vrushika : YES. Your are right. I care for him. Even if we don't meet each other, talk to each other or share bond like before, I still care for him. I don't like to see him in pain because it hurts me when I see him in pain. All I want is for him to be happy and safe wherever he is. That's all I pray for.

Vrushika says this and walks away from there.

Maccy turns the phone so that Shantanu can see them.

Maccy : Tannu, I hope you heard Vrushy.

Shantanu nods his head in yes.

Nimit : I hope now you understand what you mean to her.

Shantanu : Guys , I don't want to discuss this right now. We will talk later.

Maccy : Okay. Take your time. Just remember that Vrushika is that person who stood by you in all your decisions even when it included decisions against her. She never questioned you or judged you. Even today, her only wish is to see you happy and smiling.

Shantanu : Hmm

Nimit : Tannu, think of a life where Vrushy is not part of it. If that thought does not bother you, then it's better to let her go from your life forever.

Nimit and Maccy disconnects the call after giving this advice to Shantanu.

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